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Saddam Hussein President of Iraq from Sunni Muslim

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2 Saddam Hussein President of Iraq from 1979-2003 Sunni Muslim
Founder of the Iraqi Baath Party

3 Life Under Saddam Hussein
Hussein ruled like a brutal dictator Tested chemical weapons on his own people Executions and torture common

4 Saddam’s Baath Party Most joined out of convenience
Sunni Muslims only allowed as members Political rivals were murdered Controlled all media outlets/information Members received high paying/status jobs Most joined out of convenience

5 Dictator Rule Pictures of Hussein were posted all over Iraq as propaganda

6 Infrastructure Under Saddam
Schools Secular education Literacy high for an Arab nation Healthcare Iraq had a basic healthcare system in place Mostly in major cities Roadways Hussein constructed extensive roadway system In the 1970s-80s Hussein greatly improved Iraq Iraq wasn’t perfect but was orderly

7 Economy Under Hussein Until 1990s Iraqi economy grew
Expansion outside of just oil UN sanctions hurt Iraq’s economy Invasion of Kuwait Human rights issues

8 Ethnic Relations Under Hussein
Nationality Arab 75%-80% Kurds 15%-20% Religion Muslim Shi’a 60%-65% Sunni 32%-37% Arabs hate Kurds Sunni hates Sh’ia Hussein oppressed Shi’as and Kirds Tested chemical weapons on the Kurds Killed any political opponents, Sh’ia

9 Hussein’s View of America
Originally got along with America 1970s-1980s Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990 America goes to war with Iraq Relations sour

10 Hussein in the 1990s UN Sanctions hurt Iraq’s economy
No oil trade 400,000 children died of malnutrition Starvation and poverty were common

11 Hussein and 9/11 Saddam Hussein NOT involved in 9/11 attacks
Was happy about attacks 2 reasons for invasion Hussein had weapons of mass destruction Hussein provided safe harbor for terrorists

12 Invade Or Not To Invade? Reasons to Invade Reasons Not to Invade
Take out Hussein Control Weapons of Mass Destruction Free the Iraqi people from his reign Reasons Not to Invade Hussein not related to 9/11 attacks Al Qaeda based in Afghanistan

13 Operation Iraqi Freedom
Began March 20, 2003 Baghdad fell May 1, 2003 American troops still occupy Iraq

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