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Understanding Variables

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1 Understanding Variables
Python Understanding Variables

2 Variables What is a variable? Definition
A named area of storage in a computer program that can change as the program runs

3 Are all numbers the same?
Content of Variables Words and letters These are known as strings Numbers Boolean Are all numbers the same?

4 Working with variables
The type of information stored in a variable is referred to as its datatype The datatype controls how the program will process the data Eg Arithmetic can’t be performed on strings Numbers can only contain 0-9 and . – Special functions convert between strings and numbers – This is called Casting

5 Casting a Numeric Variable
Numbers typed into Python arrive as a string They must be converted to a number before using in arithmetic number1 “29” 29 number1 number1 “29”

6 Variable Names A Variable name MUST start with a letter or an underscore NOT a number. Numbers can be included within the name, but not as the first character. A Variable name can be any length but is best to keep it reasonably short. Must consist of a continuous string of characters. That means they CANNOT have any spaces. Identify words by either capitalising the first letter of each word, or by using the underscore character. firstName first_name Only in exceptional circumstances use single letters for variable names Should be meaningful - describe the data they contain

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