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Dr. Larry J. Walker Loyola University Maryland

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1 Dr. Larry J. Walker Loyola University Maryland
Trauma Webinar

2 Defining Trauma According to the American Psychological Association trauma is a “direct personal experience of an event that involves actual or threatened death or serious injury or other threats to one’s physical integrity.” Primary Secondary or Vicarious Trauma Singular or Continuous Dr. Larry J. Walker

3 Exposure to trauma is linked to various outcomes
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Mental health School performance Familial and/or peer relationships Maladaptive behaviors (e.g., drugs, alcohol) Dr. Larry J. Walker

4 Trauma Informed School
Administrators, teachers and auxiliary staff attend trauma focused professional development. The school provides additional staff training to examine how trauma impacts student performance and behavior. Students have access to trained mental health clinicians. The instructional staff utilizes non-punitive measures to address student behaviors (e.g., redirection, behavior chart, leadership opportunities, mentorship, restorative practices). Ensure students have access to yoga, meditation rooms etc. Recognize that trauma impacts everyone differently. Dr. Larry J. Walker

5 Acknowledging Environmental Stressors
Baltimore City Public Schools (2016) received $2.374 million from the U.S. Department of Education to support students exposed to trauma. Dr. Larry J. Walker

6 Trauma and School Discipline
A Dream Deferred: How Trauma Impacts the Academic Achievement of African-American Youth Walker and Goings (2017) “far too often, administrators and teachers misinterpret combative behaviors as an overall reflection of a student’s ability to learn or interact with peers. Students who exhibit troubling behaviors in the classroom are seeking help. Thus, suggesting students are “bad” or “difficult to teach” will not address core issues including exposure to violence” (p. 4). Dr. Larry J. Walker

7 School to Prison Pipeline
Department of Education study concluded ( ): Black students represent 15% of students in public schools but 31% of students arrested or referred to law enforcement. Black males represent 8% of students but 25% of all suspensions. Disrupting the Myth of Black Male Inferiority (2018) Goings & Walker Anti-deficit approach Dr. Larry J. Walker

8 Trauma Some students from underserved communities are exposed to traumatic experiences inside and outside the classroom. Violence (intrafamilial, community) Bullying Race based Dr. Larry J. Walker

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