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Key Points DG's resolution 1/2

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1 Key Points DG's resolution 1/2
The identification and analysis of business processes is the basis for the improvement of administrative processes and thus can contribute to the i2010 aim of more efficient and effective public services. The importance of sharing experience, innovative solutions and replicable building blocks as also mentioned in the eGovernment Action Plan is recognised and supported by the DGs and it should also be facilitated by the eGovernment Working Group.

2 Key Points DG's resolution 1/2
IT skills and training on all levels of the public administrations are vital for the broad rollout and subsequently for higher usage of eGovernment solutions and should be further investigated as by the LUX,UK and AT presidency. Interoperability on local and regional level is vital for providing more seamless services to citizens at those levels where the majority of contacts occur. This can only be achieved by the vertical and horizontal cooperation of actors and coordination of programmes. MS are invited to take part in the MODINIS study on interoperability on local and regional level.

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