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Presentation on theme: "Ecology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology

2 Ecology Relationships of living organisms to their environment

3 Ecological Concepts Environment Habitat Niche
All conditions directly affecting animals existence Habitat The physical space inhabited by an animal Niche The specific multidimensional sets of conditions that define where an organism can exist

4 Niche

5 Ecological Concepts Populations Communities Ecosystems

6 Ecological Concepts - Populations
Reproductively interacting members of a single species Deme – Any particular population separate from other populations of a species Demographics Age structure, sex ratio, growth rates, etc…

7 Population Dynamics Population Growth rates Carrying capacity
Birth rate – death rate = intrinsic growth rate Carrying capacity Upward limit on size (number) of a population Intrinsic limits Space, resources, intra-specific competition Extrinsic limits Biotic: Predation, parasitism, interspecific competition Abiotic: fires, floods, drought, etc…


9 Carrying Capacities 2013

10 Ecological Concepts -Communities
Co-existing populations of multiple species within the same habitat Species diversity # of species sharing a habitat and how abundant each species is Species Richness How many different species Species evenness How many individuals of each species

11 Populations - Interactions
Interspecific interactions Detrimental (-) Beneficial (+) Neutral (0) Predation Parasitism Commensalism Mutualism Competition Keystone species Any species whose removal from a population will cause extinction of other species

12 Niche Guilds

13 Character Displacement
Competition within a niche forces exclusion and adaptation competition no competition

14 Predation

15 Keystone Species

16 Ecosystems The transfer of energy among populations of organisms with a habitat Trophic levels Primary producers Fix and store energy from outside the ecosystem – plants Consumers Primary – herbivores Secondary – carnivores, insectivores Decomposers – bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa, annelids


18 Energy Flow in Ecosystems

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