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Modern 20th Century Last notes!!!!.

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1 Modern 20th Century Last notes!!!!

2 Gideon v. Wainwright Gideon v. Wainwright – in 1963, Gideon had been accused of burglarizing a pool hall. However, he could not afford an attorney. Several witnesses claimed they saw Gideon outside the area, but no one saw him go in. Gideon attempted to cross-examine him, but he only had an 8th grade education. The jury found him guilty. He appealed this and the Supreme Court ensure after this case that people would could not afford an attorney would be provided on by the court.

3 Bye Bye Nixon President Richard Nixon was hoping for reelection and was facing a very divided nation due to the Vietnam war. Although he denied it at first and was reelected, Nixon was caught inspiring burglars to wire-tap and steal documents from the Democratic National Committee, located in the Watergate complex of building in D.C.

4 Continuing to lose faith in our leaders
After his role in the conspiracy was revealed, Nixon resigned. His successor, Gerald Ford, immediately pardoned Nixon for all the crimes he “committed or may have committed” This scandal caused even more Americans to be skeptical of their government and think more critically about the presidency.

5 With an increase amount of globalization, comes increase level of terrorism
No country is truly isolated anymore. All countries exist in a world and an economy that is reliant on other countries. Use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

6 Terror is at your front door
U.S. war on Terrorism is a reaction to 9/11. On September 11th, 2001, at 8:45 a.m. Islamic terrorists from Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries hijacked American planes. An American Airlines Boeing 767 crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The initial crash burned a hole near the 80th floor of the 110-story skyscraper and instantly killed hundreds of people and trapped hundred more. As the evacuation began, television cameras broadcasted live images of what seemed to be a freak accident, but then 18 minutes later a second plane sliced through the South toward of the World Trade Center. As millions watched in horror the events unfolding in New York, at 9:45 a.m. another plane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington D.C. By 10:30 the twin towers collapsed into clouds of dust.

7 Regular citizens – forgotten heroes
The fourth plane to be hijacked was delayed in taking off. By now, many passengers had heard of the atrocities. Discovering their plane was another, passengers made plans to prevent it. One of the passengers, Thomas Burnett, Jr., told his wife over the phone that “I know we’re all going to die. There’s three of us who are going to do something about it. I love you, honey.” Another passenger—Todd Beamer— was heard saying “Are you guys ready? Let’s roll” over an open line. Sandy Bradshaw, a flight attendant, called her husband and explained that she had slipped into a galley and was filling pitchers with boiling water. Her last words to him were “Everyone’s running to first class. I’ve got to go. Bye.” The passengers fought the four hijackers and are suspected to have attacked the cockpit with a fire extinguisher. The plane then flipped over and sped toward the ground at upwards miles per hour, crashing in a rural field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. All 44 people aboard were killed. The intended target of terrorist for that flight is unknown, but theories include the White House.

8 Al-Qaeda The attackers were financed by al-Qaeda, a terrorist organization of Saudi fugitive Osama bin Laden. Allegedly, they were retaliating for America’s support of Israel and its continued military presence in the Middle East. Some of the terrorists had lived in the United States for more than a year and had taken flying lessons at American commercial flight schools. The 19 terrorists easily smuggled box-cutters and knives though security at three East Coast airports and boarded four-early morning flights bound for California. These planes were chosen because they were loaded with large amount of fuel for long transcontinental journey.

9 Aftermath A total of 2,996 people were killed in all the 9/11 attacks, including the 19 terrorist hijackers. It is the deadliest event for American firefighters in history, losing 343 heroes. President George W. Bush had been in Florida during the time of the attacks and returned to the White House at 7 p.m. At 9 p.m., he delivered a televised address from the Oval Office, declaring, “Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.”

10 War on terroism Bush began Operation Enduring Freedom, the American-led international effort to oust the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and destroy Osama bin Laden’s terrorist network based there. Within two months, U.S. forces had effectively removed the Taliban from operational power, but the war continued, as U.S. and coalition forces attempted to defeat a Taliban insurgency campaign based in neighboring Pakistan. Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the September 11th attacks, remained at large until May 2, 2011, when he was finally tracked down and killed by U.S. forces at a hideout in Abbottabad, Pakistan. June 2011, President Barack Obama announced the beginning of a large-scale troop withdrawals from Afghanistan.

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