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AST 473 CE 550 Citation II Systems

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1 AST 473 CE 550 Citation II Systems
Fire Protection System

2 General 2 separate but identical engine fire detection & extinguishing systems Components: Sensing loops (turbine scn. And acc. Scn.) Control units ENG Fire warning switchlight (ea. Engine) Extinguisher bottles (2 ea.) Fire detection circuit test function

3 General Ctn. Fire Bottles: -Located in tail cone (check on preflight)
-Charged to 600 degrees (use scale) -Monobromotriflouromethane, CBrF (3)- not corrosive- no residue -Discharged by Squibb (explosive cartridge) -Both bottles available to either engine (30s) -Filler fuse melts at 210 deg. F; =discharge

4 Operation 1 cable each engine- monitored by a control unit (tail cone) measuring electrical resistance which decreases with temp. At 500 deg. F. the circuit completes causing the red Eng Fire light to illuminate but not tripping the MWL. Powered by main DC power

5 Operation At L or Rt. Eng. Fire light: Verify fire- temp gauges
Push Respective Eng. Fire light (lift cover) Illuminates both “bottle armed” lights arming them Closes fuel and hydraulic firewall shutoff valves (fuel press/hyd. Press low lights illuminate) Generator field relay tripped (gen. off light illuminates). Thrust reverser isolation valve circuit disabled

6 Operation Ctn. Pressing bottle armed switch light discharges the bottle contents into selected engine A second bottle can be fired in 30 sec. if needed. Depressing ENG FIRE switchlight again: Opens firewall shutoff valves Disarms extinguishing system Reverser isolation valve re-enabled (gen. field will be reset upon eng. Start)

7 Portable Extinguishers
2ea. 2.5 lb. Halon extinguishers in interior: 1 under co-pilot’s seat 1 in cabin area Each charged to 125 psi.

8 AST 473 CE-550 Citation II Systems

9 General Engine Compressor Bleed Air provides pressurized air to a pneumatic manifold for distribution to: Left and Rt. Flow control valves for use by the Air Cycle Machine (ACM- AiResearch) Ground Valve- ACM ground ops. Emergency Valve- alt. pressurization source Service Air System Valves (windshield anti-ice, cabin door seal, deice boots, Instr. Air)

10 General 1 engine can supply total system needs
Airflow control into cabin controlled by the PRESS SOURCE selector (6 pos.) just to the right of the pedestal. Temp. sensors in the system illuminate annunciators on the main panel (Air Duct Overheat, L/R Precool fail)

11 Operation Engine Bleed Air flows to the welded cluster assembly (manifold) to: Pneumatic valves to Windshield Anti-ice Vacuum ejector Pneumatic Distribution Regulator (for boots, instrument air, and door seal) Air from left eng. Cluster flows to the emerg.valve for emerg. Pressurization (direct bleed air to cabin; only in flight- cabin temp. controlled by throttle position)

12 Operation Air from the Right engine is routed through the right pneumatic cluster to the ground valve for use by the ACM during ground ops.- 18 lbs/min. Flow from both clusters is routed through both main pneumatic flow control shutoff valves for use by the ACM (normal ops.)

13 Operation Prior to this, bleed air flows through an air-to-air heat exchanger flow control valve (automatic valve) which directs air through or around a Precooler which lowers the temp. to 500 deg. F. prior to entering tailcone If airflow out of the precooler exceeds 540 deg. F. the PRECOOL FAIL light illuminates.

14 Control Press Source selector determines: Amount of air entering cabin
Source of that air It is a 7 position switch (OFF, GND, LH, NORMAL, BOTH HI, RH, EMER).

15 OFF Closes all environmental bleed-air valves
LH and RH flow control valves energized closed by DC EMER valve is energized closed NO air enters pressure vessel from engines (if depressurized ram air from tailcone flows into cabin) Bleed Air still available to: service Air system (door seal, copilot’s ADI, vacuum ejector pump, and deicer boots)

16 Ground For ground use only
Allows up to 18 ppm air from RT. Engine into pneumatic manifold Illuminates BLD AIR GND annunciator Need 60% N2 for full 18ppm flow

17 LH/RH Position Limit pneumatic bleed air input to ACM and Service Air systems LH position isolates the flow from the rt. Eng. And visa-versa- only one valve can be closed at any one time IE. If LH is selected (due to a RH pre-cool failure) and the Left eng. Fails; all air to the ACM is lost unless RH is re-selected

18 Normal De-energizes open the left and right flow control and shutoff valves and allows air from both engines to pass into the manifold; T/O perf. Based on this position

19 Both HI Position Energizes left and right flow control valves to a higher position to allow 9ppm air into the ACM Needed for low power settings Illuminates BLEED AIR GND/HI light Prohibited for T/O and lndgs. And high pwr. Settings If main DC lost, valves fail to the 6ppm normal low flow mode

20 EMER Direct Bleed air to cabin
In this position (or whenever the valve opens automatically the EMER PRESS ON annunciator illuminates and all other valves energize closed

21 DC power fail System defaults to the NORMAL setting
Ground and Emerg. Press. Valves fail closed Two flow control and shutoff valves fail open to “low flow” mode Pneumatic Distribution valves fail open.

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