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Topic 8: Current, Voltage and Resistance Electric Costs

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1 Topic 8: Current, Voltage and Resistance Electric Costs
GT Q4D6 Topic 8: Current, Voltage and Resistance Electric Costs

2 HW… What needs fixing?


4 Part Two: Energy From our tables, Power is Energy/Time.
Energy symbol is: measured in Or… new unit in a bit

5 Lets try…

6 And You…

7 Last Part: Energy Costs

8 Last Part: Energy Costs
Idea: Kw is a unit of Power, KwHr is a unit of Energy. KwHr times the rate gives the total cost.

9 What is a KwHr really? Kw*Hr

10 Example: A lamp (100 watts) is on for a week. How many KwHr is that?

11 Example: A lamp (100 watts) is on for a week.
If BGE charges 20 cents for 1KwHr, how much did that cost you for the week?

12 Lets see: A space heater (1500 w) is on for a month every night (7 hours). A) How many KwHr is that for the month? B) How much did it cost if you pay 14 cents per KwHr?




16 Which circuit would cost more to run?


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