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Like whispers on a gentle breeze your rich love flows to me,

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Presentation on theme: "Like whispers on a gentle breeze your rich love flows to me,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Like whispers on a gentle breeze your rich love flows to me,
Like hens care for their newborn chicks you love me tenderly; Your love for me makes no demands or asks of me a price, You love me just the way I am Your dear love brings me life. Lord help me make my love for you, All that it needs to be; For ears to hear and eyes to see, All that you offer me.

2 As I journey through this life when I let things get me down
To know your love deep in my heart takes away my frown Overwhelmed all seems lost and when I am in despair I know that when I call your name you always will be there Lord help me make my love for you, All that it needs to be; For ears to hear and eyes to see, All that you offer me.

3 I love you Lord this I know much more than I can tell
To have your love each passing day I know that all is well At the time the day will come when I have run my race Your welcome arms will be outstretched and I will see your face Lord help me make my love for you, All that it needs to be; For ears to hear and eyes to see, All that you offer me. Lyrics by John Waddell Composed Andrew Davis © Davis Waddell 2018

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