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Compass Awareness.

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Presentation on theme: "Compass Awareness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compass Awareness

2 Contract Management, Payment And Superannuation System
What is Compass? Contract Management, Payment And Superannuation System

3 Feedback from 2018 Customer Survey:
Negatives It is COMPOST Not friendly user interface Resetting of password every three months is very annoying. Can't always find information you are looking for Headings and date formats are not clear Finding running totals of UDAs is impossible. Finding monthly reports a pain. it does not show all the information that is needed I use it rarely so am not familiar Positives A very good site, easy to use. Ease of access Was quite hard to use initially but easier once you have used it a few times Once I work out where to look the information I require is there It is good for being able to track activity I’m glad information can be accessed at any time. Is gives me my monthly schedule, which is really what I want. it is an improvement and a move in the right direction Generally very satisfied aside one or two issues generally ok Happy

4 What is the purpose? Central database for all contract information…
Providers Performers including DFTs Locations Contract values Contracted activity and delivery Performer pension information

5 What is the purpose? Calculates monthly payments based on contract values and payment adjustments entered by Commissioners Processes claims (FP17s or FP17Os) submitted by practices (EDI or paper), applies validation and calculates patient charges Calculates performer pension contributions based on estimated earnings and reconciles at year end (ARR from April to June) Source of information (e.g. monthly statements, contract delivery, published reports and data extracts)

6 User roles There are a number of user roles for a provider User Roles
Business owner Business Practice Administrator Practice Manager User Activity Manager Business View Corporate Group Manager

7 Provider functions Providers see exactly the same screens as Commissioners if they were to amend a contract, it is just that certain fields like the Service Lines (contract value) are not available to amend. Providers could make the following changes; Add/remove Performers Amend Performer NPE/NPEE Add/remove participants to a Provider number and update addresses Update bank details Amend paper FP17s Complete ARR processes Update Password/Memorable word

8 Provider functions (continued)
Providers can view the following; Monthly statements Published reports (e.g. mid-year, year-end, DAF and vital signs at glance) Data extracts dealing with contract delivery, claims processing and finance Individual claim data

9 Performer functions Performers can make the following changes in Compass: Update their own address Update Password/ Memorable word Complete ARR processes Amend Paper FP17s Update Census information Performers can view the following; Monthly superannuation statements SD86c (annual superannuation certificate) Data extracts dealing with their UDA /UOA delivery, claims processing and pension details Individual claim data

10 Navigation

11 Activating your account
Username - This will be used to login to your Compass account this is not case sensitive Password - Password must be a minimum of 8 characters long and be a combination of upper case letters, lower case letters and numbers. You may also use special characters such ! or &. Memorable Word - The memorable word must be between 8 to 15 characters long.

12 Activating your account

13 Log in page

14 Provider Home Page

15 Performer Home Page

16 Navigation In the top right hand corner of the screen you will find some menu options. The house takes you back to the home screen. Help takes you to the online help.

17 Navigation In fields where data can be entered you may see additional symbols. The magnifying glass is a search function. The green plus sign is used to create an entry. The question mark is a query button, press this for a hint on what data or format to enter here. Mandatory fields are green, optional fields are white.

18 Navigation Many of the search and update screens work on tables. The top of the screen is used to enter your search criteria. Once the table is populated the results can be filtered

19 Common queries to our contact centre
Contract amend How to add a performer How to amend NPE Activity How to check UDA figures How to search for a claim How to reset PIN/ request temporary PIN Statements/Reports How to access pay statements (or superannuation notifications) How to locate SD86c (superannuation certificate) How to locate a report (e.g. year-end or vital signs at a glance) Other How to update bank details How to view your pension details and contributions

20 Contract Amend

21 Contract Amend To update or amend a contract, you select the ‘Contract Amend’ option When a contract has been amended the changes are authorised by a Commissioner user. Associated paperwork must be received by the Commissioner with 7 days A daily notification message will be sent to all users with authorisation as part of their role to notify them of contracts submitted for authorisation.

22 Adding a Performer to a contract

23 Adding a performer to a contract

24 Adding a performer to a contract
Select Performer option then click Create

25 Adding a performer to a contract
If you do not know the performer number you can use the magnifying glass to look up


27 Performer NPE/NPEE When entering performer earnings on a contract there are two options: Pension Scheme Members - Net Pensionable Earnings – NPE Non Pension Scheme Members - Net Pensionable Earnings Equivalent – NPEE The value entered should be the performer net earnings for the time they are on the contract in a financial year. The total of the NPE/NPEE cannot exceed 43.9% of the Total Contract Value You do not need to enter values for future years unless they are going to change. At the end of the year the NPE/NPEE values will roll over to the next year unless a different value has been entered. (these will be pro-rated if appropriate). After the ARR process the values will be refreshed with the declared earnings again pro-rated where appropriate.

28 Performer NPE/NPEE Employment Type - The type of employment has a bearing on whether the performer earnings are superannuable or not. If Self Employed or Salaried is selected then NPE is entered and this will be superannuable as long as the performer is a member of the Pension Scheme. If Agency, Incorporated or Sub Contractor is selected then NPEE is entered this is non superannuable even if the performer is a member of the Pension Scheme.

29 Performer NPE/NPEE All Performers are automatically entered into the NHS Pension Scheme (NHSPS) when they are entered onto the performer list and will therefore be superannuable unless they opt out. If a Provider/Performer is in the NHS Pension Scheme they must have Net Pensionable Earnings (NPE) recorded on each contract that they work on. It is illegal for a NHS dentist to credit themselves, for NHS pension purposes, with NHS income from another colleague even if that colleague has opted out of the NHSPS

30 Amending Performer NPE/NPEE

31 Amending a Performers NPE/NPEE

32 Amending Performer NPE/NPEE
Select Performer option then click Edit

33 Amending performer NPE/NPEE


35 Activity

36 Real time = refreshed every minute!
Activity Providers and Performers will have real time access to Activity Summaries and details of claims submitted. Commissioners have real time access to the Activity summary screens which provide up to date details of service delivery. Real time = refreshed every minute!

37 How to check UDA figures Provider

38 How to check UDA Figures
If you are a Provider/Performer you will get a contract and (performer) version of some screens

39 Activity Search (Summary)

40 Alternative way to check UDA Figures

41 Activity Actuals

42 How to check UDA figures Performer

43 How to check UDA Figures
Performer option


45 Patient details would be displayed here

46 How to search for claim

47 How to search for a claim Provider or Performer

48 Provider or performer Performer view

49 How to reset PIN

50 How to reset PIN View or Reset PIN

51 How to obtain a temporary PIN

52 How to obtain a temporary PIN

53 How to obtain a temporary PIN

54 How to obtain a temporary PIN

55 How to access Statements/Reports

56 How to access pay statements
Same process for a performer, who has access to their own information.

57 How to locate your SD86c

58 How to find a report

59 How to find a report Enter the Contract number or Provider number you wish to see reports for

60 How to find a report

61 How to add/update bank details

62 How to add/update bank details

63 How to add/update bank details

64 How view your pension details

65 How to view your pension details

66 How to view your pension details

67 How to view your pension details

68 How to view your pension details

69 How to view your pension details

70 How to view your pension details

71 How to view your pension contributions

72 Select the Financial year
How to view your pension contributions Select the Financial year

73 How to view your pension contributions

74 Future developments Online FP17 – is currently available and electronic submission of claims will be mandatory from 01/05/2019 Replicates each area of paper FP17 with either text or tick boxes Can be created by Practice Manager and authorised by Performer Compass Mobile solution – opportunity to look at Compass on phones; Provider and performers can view activity Year to date totals Percentage of delivery

75 Mobile solution Activity Chart

76 Help and Support How to Guides Ask Us

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