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Clusters from the functional network

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1 Clusters from the functional network
Clusters from the functional network. a) Models clustered by the numbers of differentially expressed genes in each of the clusters. Clusters from the functional network. a) Models clustered by the numbers of differentially expressed genes in each of the clusters. Numbers of the differentially expressed genes are indicated on the heatmap. Branches of the vertical dendrogram are named using the cluster IDs (0–16). Each cluster is functionally annotated based on the Pathway Enrichment and Gene Ontology analyses (see table 3). Cluster 9 is marked by “–” since it did not show any significant representation of any of the known processes. #: cluster contained both up- and downregulated genes. b) Correlation between total particulate matter (TPM) and number of differentially regulated clusters across mouse models. *: indicates mouse models. TLR: Toll-like receptor; MHC: major histocompatibility complex; NOD: nucleotide-binding oligomerisation domain. r2 =0.9348, p-value = Anna Dvorkin-Gheva et al. ERJ Open Res 2016;2: ©2016 by European Respiratory Society

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