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How To Be A Success!.

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Presentation on theme: "How To Be A Success!."— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Be A Success!

2 What is SuccessMaker Reading all about?
You have been chosen to participate in a reading intervention program called SUCCESSMAKER. SuccessMaker is a computer based remediation program that allows you to receive additional help with reading skills. You will work on the program everyday for 20 minutes. SuccessMaker will help you learn reading skills you will need so you can be successful working on grade level reading.

3 Using Computers as a Learning Tool
The computers in a SuccessMaker classroom are learning tools not toys. It is important to use the computers and the SuccessMaker program correctly at all times! Destruction of school property will not be tolerated. Students will receive a referral for breaking or moving keys or breaking headphones. When you break a computer you take away learning from all students that need to use that computer.

4 Computer Expectations
Sit in your assigned seat Bring your folder and a pencil to computers so you can take notes and record your final score. Sit down quickly and sign-in Always wear the headphones! You need to hear the instructions and understand the text. Headphones block out classroom noise so you can focus. Stay Focused! You do not need to pay attention to other students computers. Every Click Counts! Always try your best to get the answer right on the first try! This means going back to the text and rereading.

5 Login Screen Login with your Student ID # quickly. Try to be the first to login. If you can’t login you should check the CAPS LOCK key, ID # and sign in again. Ms. Esely’s classes- Fill out a computer form if you still can’t get the program to load. Get a book from under the TV and complete the assignment on their own paper. You can choose a new background once a week. Use the blue arrow to skip choosing a background the other days. 6th grade Demo 7th grade Demo 8th grade Demo

6 I don’t know how to do the lesson!
If at any time you do not know how to answer the question or do the activity click on the Icon on the screen and it will give you a tutorial. The icon will repeat the instructions.

7 Direct Instruction is Focused Instruction
The video teaches you an important reading skill. Pay attention because you will be tested on it! You may choose to take notes if it is a topic you don’t know anything about. You may use the buttons at the bottom of the video to go back or pause the video. You may watch the video 2-3 times if needed. LO Viewer Reading

8 DI- Direct Instruction Is Focused Instruction
6th grade Demo 7th grade Demo LO Viewer Reading 8th grade Demo

9 Access To Live SuccessMaker Lessons
LO Viewer Reading LO Activity SMRE_DI_00414 SMRE_IP_01314 Direct Instruction compare/contrast Independent Practice compare/contrast SMRE_ITR_01414 Interactive Text reader with questions focus compare/contrast SMRE_IP_01301 That’s a Match- vocabulary SMRE_IP_01323 Find It!- vocabulary SMRE_IP_01309 Fill in the Blanks!- vocabulary SMRE_IP_01313 Mix It Up!- vocabulary SMRE_ITR_01272 Nouns-Interactive text reader

10 Interactive Text Reader- Reading Portal
Select a Cognitive Coach to guide you through the text and help you learn reading strategies. Look at the passage. Read the title and look at any pictures. Think about the topic of the reading. First always try reading the passage on your own. The Text Tracker will help you focus on your reading by blocking out all the other text. If there are many words you cannot read then use the Listen to Passage button to listen to the text as your eyes read along. LO Viewer Reading

11 Reading Portal cont. Important Vocabulary words will be underlined in BLUE. Click all the blue words and read the definitions. The Cognitive Coach signals there is a lesson the program will teach you using the passage you are reading. You must listen and pay attention to learn the skill! You may want to take notes. You will be tested on this information. You cannot move to the next page until you listen to the cognitive coach. LO Viewer Reading

12 Reading Passage Tool Bar Write the correct name next to the tool
Sticky Notes Highlighter Listen to Passage Text Tracker Annotation Toggle Help Repeat Instructions Cognitive Coach

13 How Can I Get the Correct Answers to Multiple Choice Reading Questions?
Read the question 2 times. Answer the question in your head Read all four answer choices. Return to the text to look for the answer. Use the highlighter tool to mark where you found the answer. Read the 4 answer choices again and eliminate wrong answers. Select the correct answer. Check 1 last time. Read the question one last time along with the answer you chose.

14 Independent Practice You will answer questions on a small section of a longer piece of text. You will use the same process you use for multiple choice questions on a longer passage. Only use the small piece of text on the page to answer the questions. LO Viewer Reading

15 - Vocabulary You must listen to the instructions to know what type of word to choose for the answer. Click the Icon to hear the instruction again. Carefully read the sentence. Read all six of the vocabulary word choices. Listen to the instructions again if you forgot what type of word to choose. Select the correct answer/s IMPORTANT! Read the sentence again with the answers you think are correct. Does the sentence make sense? LO Viewer Reading

16 Keep or Change? -Vocabulary
Read and analyze the sentence. Decide if it makes sense. If the sentence is correct and does not have any errors click OK. If the sentence does not make sense and has an error click FIX. If you need to fix a sentence click the word that is an error and select a new word to replace it. IMPORTANT! Read the sentence again and make sure it now makes sense. LO Viewer Reading

17 Mix it Up!- Vocabulary You need to build the word that matches the definition read by the audio prompt. Paint rollers only show you part of a word usually a prefix or a suffix. Press the audio icon to listen to the definition. Carefully read each choice. You can click on each word part to add it to the bottom to form a new word. Read the new word! Listen to the definition again by pressing the audio icon. Then press done. LO Viewer Reading

Don’t Forget about your Favorite Lesson GRAMMAR! Here is the Super Secret of how to get the Grammar questions correct. SHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Promise not to tell anybody? USE YOUR GRAMMAR CHEAT SHEET!!! It will tell you everything you need to know about the grammar lessons so you are total ROCK STAR and will win tickets and major awards!

19 End of Session! 60 sec0nds before the end of your session a countdown timer will appear in the lower left corner. Please keep working until the session ends. At the end of the 20 minute session the program will stop and your session score will appear. Write down all 3 scores in your progress report. Leave the Progress Report open until the teacher sees your score and you receive your award ticket. Use the BLUE X in the upper right corner to close the lesson. Always remember to Log Out.

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