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FPS & Time-based Animation

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1 FPS & Time-based Animation
Reference Fall 2013 revised

2 Frame Rate (畫面更新率) FPS frames per second: many how frames got displayed in a second 1/(time required for single-frame display) For a sufficiently smooth animation, fps > 20 To measure the time a display routine takes Use QueryPerformanceCounter (next pages) To periodically display FPS, use glutTimerFunc() Fall 2013 revised

3 Time a function For low-precision timing,
int glutGet (GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME) is sufficieint [in msec] Fall 2013 revised

4 Example Fall 2013 revised

5 Frame-based vs. Time-based
Use these updates per frame: Simple, but runs differently on different machines Time-based animation Specify linear (or angular) velocity Motion is the same on every machine Important for animations, games, … Fall 2013 revised

6 Time-based Animation Assume the angular velocity of the object is 1RPM (round-per-minute) … like the “second” hand (秒針) Make sure the object rotates in the same speed on different machines Angular displacement between frames Elapsed time between display Fall 2013 revised

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