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Enterprise Europe Network in Sicily

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1 Enterprise Europe Network in Sicily
Building continuity Enterprise Europe Network in Sicily European Week of Regions and Cities October 10, 2018 Brussels Giada Platania, Sicindustria


3 Working closely with Stakeholders - MoUs
Regional Department for Productive Activities Municipality of Palermo Unicredit Bank Sanpaolo Bank Europe Direct Regional Department of Tourism CNA Sicilia Confesercenti Sicilia Confartigianato Sicilia Confcommercio Sicilia Regional Plan for Internationalisation Action ERDF

4 Working closely with Stakeholders – With the Region
2014: Organisation of M4G in Palermo and participation at M4G in China 2015: Almost 4000 B2B meetings in 7 incoming missions in Milan and Sicily for Sicily4Expo 2016: More than 40 events organised 2017: 10 events organizzati, (incoming and B2B in foreign countries) 2018: Incoming China and EUSAIR event : Building relations with China


6 11 Countries, including China
Great involvement of the other EEN partners: 13 organisations 11 Countries, including China

7 160 participants: SMEs (more than 100), Universities, R&D institutions, Associations/Agencies, Institutions, Financial Organisations 98 Italians, 40 foreign, 22 from China Sectors: mainly Tourism (following the main focus of the event), but also the other 3 pillars of EUSAIR Meetings: 445 scheduled, but even more off agenda


9 Next step: Regional Counsellor of Tourism at the Annual Conference 2018


11 Giada Platania, Sicindustria
Anna Sangiorgi, Consorzio Arca

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