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Make American Nutrition Decline Again

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1 Make American Nutrition Decline Again
By: Adam Said

2 Why it interests me? I really enjoy discussing and researching about politics I have never read anything about Donald Trump and his affect on food and want to learn more about it I really dislike Donald Trump and disagree with many of his choices as president, therefore I would like to see if I see eye to eye on his nutrition plan Barack and Michelle Obama focused on American nutrition and I want to see if Donald Trump continued the Obamas’ mission

3 Intersections Has Donald Trump Affected American’s Nutrition Positively or Negatively Donald Trump’s effect since his inauguration and past Donald Trump’s affect on obesity and other nutrition values Donald Trump’s affect on nutrition in children and adults Donald Trump’s affect on exercise Donald Trump’s new food plan

4 Focusing this topic My main focus will be Donald Trump’s affect on nutrition during his inauguration The paper will also focus on Obesity rates Major nutrients Americans may be lacking or have an excessive amount including sodium, calcium, and potassium Donald Trump’s new food plan for schools People who are hungry in America and receiving enough food

5 Why is this important? This is important because Donald Trump as president has the ability to help or damage our nutrition problem Also, we live in a public school that uses Trump’s food plan, therefore his decisions will affect what I eat in school This is also important because nutrition is a major component that can increase the risk of death for some Americans

6 What I already know about this topic
I know that many Americans have a major nutrition problem and that over 1/3 of Americans are currently obese I know that Donald Trump has attempted to make a new food plan that should help limit the amount of food waste I know that Donald Trump exercises regularly and tries to eat nutritionally

7 What kinds of sources will I use
I will use primary source library databases and a book that I found in the UGL Archives and databases to make a decision on the research questions I will then use an online source in order to get more information to back my decision

8 Library Search Terms Donald Trump Nutrition Obesity
Potassium, Calcium, and Sodium Food Plan Obama Nutrition Exercise

9 Challenges and obstacles to overcome when researching
Donald Trump has been president for less than a year so it may be difficult to find books that are written about him I will use the books in the UGL to find older information to compare American Nutrition from the past five years to this last year I hate Trump so I need to try to be unbiased while researching until I have made my decision It will be difficult to find reliable sources since many have an opinion about this controversial topic I have to start digging

10 Rollbacks to school meal nutrition threatening health of children
Haskins, Julia. During 2010, Obama administration decided to make it mandatory for schools to serve healthier foods like whole grains, fruits and vegetables Obesity rates have decreased and 95 percent of schools are eating healthier Trump Administration claims that too much healthy food is being thrown out and has removed many of the mandates Trump has also removed many safe water and food laws making foods polluted and may put children at risk Trump Administration wants schools to have the freedom to serve food to children that is “reasonably healthy”

11 Rollbacks to school meal nutrition threatening health analysis
This is a good source because it discusses how children are directly affected by the Trump Administration and also compares Trump to the Obama Administration This source is reliable because it is from an article by the American Public Health Association The author of the article uses many facts to back his claim and does not share much of his opinion The article is current from September 2017 and is scholarly I will use this article to discuss how children are affected nutritionally by the Trump Administration and compare how Trump is doing compared to his past peers. I believe that all children should eat healthy even if it means wasting healthier food so this could also help me describe why Donald Trump is hurting American Nutrition


13 How will public Health Fare in a Trump Administration
Wilenski, Gail This article is taken place just a few weeks before Donald Trump became the president The article discusses how Trump is planning to remove Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act which gives all Americans healthcare This would cause 1/6 of the American Population to go without healthcare and the loss of many medically related jobs The Trump Administration plans to allow states to make the decision on whether or not to give healthcare This plan will also give tax cuts to those who provide healthcare to others who cannot afford it which would promote giving healthcare

14 How will public Health Fare in a Trump Administration Analysis
This is a good source because it discusses how Trump plans to get rid of public health insurance which would put 1/6 of the population without health insurance It is scholarly, only 8 months old, but is not very detailed and does not contain many facts I can use this article to discuss how Trump is going to remove health insurance from many people which would mean that he is hurting their nutrition and health. This is important because it will help my claim how Donald Trump plans to hurt American Nutrition. This is important because Trump could impact millions of people and put many at risk.


16 How Food policy may feature in the White House after November-Analysis Summary
Cooper, Ben This article discusses about how food policy is not perceived as a priority to Donald Trump compared to Unemployment and immigration Donald Trump does discuss in this article how he plans to cut taxes for family farms increasing agriculture growth and jobs Also, Trump pledges to raise funds for Farmers to create a “safety net” so that in time of crisis farmers will have funds to continue working The author also praises Obama and writes about his reforms on nutrition labels and GMO labels Donald Trump’s habit of eating fast foods and his diet is also described in the article.

17 How Food policy may feature in the White House after November-Analysis Summary
This article is good source for my paper and will provide as a rebuttal for my thesis Also, I can take Trump’s bad eating habits in the article to discuss about how it is a representation of his food plan The article is a report, but it is a good source It contains many facts and details which makes it seem reliable It was written a year ago making it current and will be a great source for my paper. This is important because every article talks about Trump negatively so this article will show how Donald Trump has some reasoning.


19 Why These are my Favorite Sources
The three sources listed all have a lot information both positive and negative about Donald Trump I really dislike Donald Trump so I thought I did an excellent job finding a few sources that may support how he is benefitting American’s nutrition I also found the sources intriguing. We have learned throughout the semester to write about something you would enjoy writing about. The sources given have shown me that I would love to write about Donald Trump.

20 Acknowledgements Picutures
Slides 1 and two pictures reason-donald-trump Slides 3-7 pictures instagram Slide 8-10 ose-on-us-obesity-rates.aspx Slides 8 bottom picture, 12 and 15 Slide 18

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