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Navy Manpower Analysis Center

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1 Navy Manpower Analysis Center
NEC Construct LT Pete McLaughlin Navy Manpower Analysis Center

2 Purpose of Presentation
Executive Overview Purpose of Presentation Provide update on: FY18 phasing plan for NEC code conversion. New construct NEC code examples for FY18 Q3 conversion batch. Discuss coordination efforts: Coordination of NEC construct planning across MPTE business lines and Fleet stakeholders. Technical coordination via EIM Board and PEO EIS. Recent Progress NEC construct NAVADMIN released on 13 July 17. Communities and career fields table and NEC crosswalk table posted on NPC website NEOCS page for public viewing. NAVMAC finalized the FY18 phasing plan, based on input/discussions with PERS-40, BUPERS PMO, USFF N1T, NETC, and Navy Advancement Center. Final batch of NEC codes implemented across IT systems on 1 July 18. Transf. S2025 Resrcng F. Dev. F. Mgmt. FY18 NEC Construct Timeline for new construct implementation: New NEC establishments are being codified under the new construct, effective immediately (IAW NEOCS ETP Memo). 01 Oct 17: Initial batch of 254 NECs to the new construct implemented across 38 IT systems. 01 Mar 18: Second batch of 396 NECs recoded. 01 Jul 18: Remaining NECs (~250) were recoded. Phasing plan was adjusted based on programmer availability and lessons learned from initial conversion batch. Additional Coordination NEC crosswalk table has been continuously updated as NEC batches are finalized. Continue coordination with PERS-4, PERS-8, N130, PMO, NETC, USFF/PACFLT, and others to minimize mission impact of NEC recoding. Focus Areas: SRBs/bonus pays linked to NECs Updates to future SRB NAVADMINs NEC Fit metrics (COGNOS reports) Enlisted supply chain and detailing

3 Final Version Communities & Career Fields
IW Aviation Submarine Surface Executive Support Cyber Deck Air Crew Mech Engineering All IT HXXX AB DXXX AWR GXXX MMA QXXX EN UXXX LN AXXX CTN HXXX ABE DXXX MMW QXXX GS UXXX AWS GXXX MC AXXX Crypto ABF DXXX AWO GXXX GSE UXXX MU AXXX ABH DXXX Tech GSM UXXX RP AXXX CTM CXXX AWF GXXX AO DXXX CTR CXXX FT TXXX MMSW UXXX NC AXXX AWV GXXX CTT CXXX Squadron ETV TXXX DC UXXX NCCR AXXX Support CTI CXXX ETR TXXX EMSW UXXX PS AXXX CTI CXXX AD EXXX AC FXXX STS TXXX HT UXXX YN AXXX CTI CXXX AF EXXX AZ FXXX CTI CXXX MT TXXX MR UXXX AM EXXX CXXX PR FXXX CTI ITS TXXX FNPACT UXXX AME EXXX AS FXXX METOC AE EXXX ANPACT FXXX Service Tech AG JXXX AT EXXX I-Level / FRC Nuclear Ratings IC VXXX Intel AV EXXX CSS RXXX AD IXXX FC VXXX All AO EXXX LSS RXXX IS KXXX AM IXXX FCA VXXX RXXX EMN(SS) NXXX AE IXXX YNS GM VXXX ETN(SS) NXXX BU BXXX CE CM CU EA EO EQ SW UC UT All SEABEES AT IXXX STG VXXX MMN(SS) NXXX 1. Combine Crypto and Ling Career Fields and changed letter to “C.” This allowed us to include AG in IW Community per NAVIFOR request. 2. Changed NEC letter to “B” (for “Bees”) as part of SPECWAR / SPEC OPS changes 3. Combined Mech and Tech into Squadron Career Field. Moved AG to IW Community and created an Intermediate Level Maintenance Career Field to acknowledge the difference between the Organizational (Squadron) and Intermediate/CVN (I-Level/FRC and Deck) training pathways 4./5. Split SPECWAR and SPEC OPS into separate communities 6. Increased to 12 total Communities 7. Changed the Tech and Service Career Field NEC letters to “T” and “R”, respectively to free up “S” for Supply 8. Changed Supply Community NEC letter to “S” 9. Combined Admin and Admin Enablers into one Community labeled Executive Support with “A” as the NEC first letter ETSW VXXX MMN(SS)ELT NXXX SO OXXX SB All SPECWAR Security CS SXXX SH LS All Supply OPS EMN(SW) All NXXX BM WXXX ETN(SW) MA PXXX OS WXXX NXXX NXXX QM WXXX MMN(SW) MED MN WXXX MMN(SW)ELT NXXX All ND MXXX EOD All SPECOPS SNPACT WXXX HM LXXX X B Unique ID (alphanumeric) Training not blocked, ends in a letter-(XXXA—XXXZ) Cross-Career Field NECs: 7 = Open to multiple fields 8 = Open to all career fields 9 = Language New Alphanumeric NEC Construct Approved Communities & Career fields will be incorporated into NEOCS Appendix B

4 NEC Construct Synopsis
*Real Examples from FY18 NEC Crosswalk* Goal of the new NEC Construct In order to support the Block Learning requirement to be able to identify and track all modules Sailors have received as they progress through their career training continuum, the NEC structure must change to add meaning and transparency to the 4 NEC characters. Existing NEC Construct Revised NEC Construct 1 4 Z U Submarine Communications LCPO Submarine Tech Career Field(TXXX) T 3 2 A Training not blocked, ends in a letter (XXXA—XXXZ) 9 5 8 Command Master Chief, open to all career fields (8XXX) 8 C M C Unique ID (alphanumeric) Unique ID (alphanumeric) Alphanumeric, indicating the Enlisted Career Field or that the NEC code is open to multiple career fields. Alphanumeric, based on series developed out of habit but not codified by instruction. If training is blocked: numeric that identifies the number of blocks remaining (0 = fully trained) Example: If Training Continuum contains a Block 0, Block 1, and Block 2, there will be 3 NECs (XXX2, XXX1, XXX0) Sailors will be given a new NEC as they complete each Block of training BL Example 2 8 S Logistics Specialist Postal Basic Unique ID Supply Career Field = S in new construct As we implement RRL and Block Learning, we believe that this new NEC construct will be more logical, intuitive, and allow for better personnel management.

5 NEC Conversion Phasing Plan
BLUF: Phased rollout permits an opportunity for stakeholders to plan and minimize impacts to bonus pay, readiness metrics, and other factors before going “all in.” FY18 Qtr 1: *Crosswalk table complete; conversions implemented 1 Oct 17* 254 NECs, from a cross section of career fields: 33 NECs from Executive Support career field (AXXX) – PS, LN, MC, and MU ratings* 3 NECs from Supply career field (SXXX), including S001/S000 LS block learning codes 138 NEC codes from Surface Tech career field (VXXX) – ET, FC, and FCA ratings ($) 3 NEC codes from Spec Ops career field (MXXX) – ND ($) 77 general NECs open to all career fields (8XXX), including CMC, COB, and CSC ($) FY18 Qtr 2: *Crosswalk table complete; conversions implemented 1 Mar 18* ~400 NECs: NECs from Seabee, Medical, Security, and Information Warfare communities ($) Remainder of Surface NECs and non-nuclear Submarine NECs ($) NECs open to multiple career fields (7XXX) FY18 Qtr 3: *Crosswalk table complete; conversions implemented 1 Jul 18* ~300 NECs with longest expected coordination lead times: SPECWAR career field (OXXX), remaining SPECOPS NECs (MXXX) ($) Aviation career fields (I-level/O-level split requires coordination to correctly bin maintenance NECs) ($) Nuclear career field (NXXX) – N133 is providing their own crosswalk input for NUC NECs ($) ($) = NECs may be associated with SRB, SDAP, or other bonus pay 5

6 Breakdown of New Construct NECs
Career field-specific NECs (~750 codes): “Bread and butter” of new NEC construct First digit is a letter associated with the career field For block learning NECs only, last digit is numeric and signifies the number of blocks remaining in BL training sequence Codify rating and career field-specific skill sets Example: Diver First Class (M1DV) – open to Navy Diver (ND) rating only Example: Logistics Specialist Postal Basic (S000) – block learning NEC for LS rating Cross-career field NECs (~200 codes): 7XXX – Open to multiple source ratings across various career fields Example: 25mm Machine Gun System MK38 MOD Tech – open to AO, GM, and FC ratings 8XXX – Open to all source ratings and career fields Example: Command Fitness Leader (8CFL) – open to all source ratings Example: Senior Enlisted Leader NECs (8CMC, 8COB, 8CSC) – open to all source ratings Language NECs (~450 codes) 9XXX Alphanumeric code is controlled by DLI/DMDC through DoD language trigraph Do not require conversion, since they already begin with “9” and end in a letter Example: Turkish (9TUR) – open to all source ratings 6

7 NEOCS Manual, Vol II – Example Entry
Command Master Chief NEC Code (9580  8CMC) July 2017 Publication (Legacy construct) (Revised construct) 7

8 NEOCS Webpage NEC Construct Communications
Communities and career fields NEC code crosswalk table 8

9 NEC Code Crosswalk Table
Snapshot of FY18 Q3 Conversion Batch Crosswalk table currently has all NEC codes that have been or will be converted. Submitted to EIM board with technical coordination service request on 21 July. Sharing the table across MPTE business lines and with Fleet N1’s to allow advanced planning. Has been updated as remaining batches were finalized. NAVMAC has posted NEC code crosswalk table on NEOCS webpage, making the new NEC codes publicly available to help stakeholders plan. 9

10 Questions? NEC Construct
1. Combine Crypto and Ling Career Fields and changed letter to “C.” This allowed us to include AG in IW Community per NAVIFOR request. 2. Changed NEC letter to “B” (for “Bees”) as part of SPECWAR / SPEC OPS changes 3. Combined Mech and Tech into Squadron Career Field. Moved AG to IW Community and created an Intermediate Level Maintenance Career Field to acknowledge the difference between the Organizational (Squadron) and Intermediate/CVN (I-Level/FRC and Deck) training pathways 4./5. Split SPECWAR and SPEC OPS into separate communities 6. Increased to 12 total Communities 7. Changed the Tech and Service Career Field NEC letters to “T” and “R”, respectively to free up “S” for Supply 8. Changed Supply Community NEC letter to “S” 9. Combined Admin and Admin Enablers into one Community labeled Executive Support with “A” as the NEC first letter

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