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SOA conference. Una colección de adaptadores basados en Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) que proporciona acceso programático orientado a servicios.

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Presentation on theme: "SOA conference. Una colección de adaptadores basados en Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) que proporciona acceso programático orientado a servicios."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOA conference


3 Una colección de adaptadores basados en Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) que proporciona acceso programático orientado a servicios a sistemas de línea de negocio (LOB) Uniformidad- WCF como base para construir adaptadores LOB Programabilidad – WCF Channel & Service Models, ADO.NET Reusabilidad- Adaptadores son componentes integrables e independientes del host Mejoras- Dirigido a problemas de clientes de BizTalk Server 2006 adapters Construido sobre WCF LOB Adapter SDK Permite buscar metadatos en sistemas LOB La version 1.0 incluye adaptadores para SAP, Siebel y bases de datos de Oracle

4 SOA conference BizTalk Adapter Framework Application Generic Connector AdapterInstallation Configuration Tools Management Tools Target System Line-of-Business(LOB) Line-of-Business(LOB) BizTalk Server 2006 R2 BizTalk Server 2006 R2 BizTalk Adapter Framework Application Generic Connector Installation Configuration Tools Management Tools WCF LOB Adapter Adapter BizTalk WCF Adapter Target System Line-of-Business(LOB) Line-of-Business(LOB) Developed using WCF LOB Adapter SDK Developed using WCF LOB Adapter SDK

5 SOA conference Integración con sistemas de negocio existentes Crear aplicaciones orientadas a servicios que interoperen a través de límites de plataformas y organizaciones Eliminar adaptadores construidos especificamente para la aplicación que los consume Proliferación de Adaptadores Duplicación de esfuerzo Complejidad

6 SOA conference WCF Client AABBCC WCF Service AABBCC AddressWhere?AddressWhere?BindingHow?BindingHow?ContractWhat?ContractWhat? Endpoint WCF Client AABBCC WCFMessage Target System Message WCFMessage Line-of- Business (LOB) Target System Line-of- Business (LOB) Método1 – Construir un Servicio usando el modelo de Servicio de WCF Método 2 – Construir un Adaptador usando WCF LOB Adapter SDK WCFLOBAdapter Adapter SDK Runtime WCFMessage BasicHttpBinding, NetTcpBinding, etc. Adapter Binding

7 SOA conference WCF WCF Channel Model WCF Service Model Custom.NETApplication SharePointServer ASP.NET 2.0 WCF TransportWCF Transport (HTTP, TCP, …)(HTTP, TCP, …) Web Service BizTalk Server BizTalk WCFBizTalk WCFAdapter SAP AdapterSAP Adapter Adapter SDK RuntimeAdapter SDK Runtime Siebel AdapterSiebel Adapter Adapter SDK RuntimeAdapter SDK Runtime Oracle DBOracle DBAdapter Adapter SDK RuntimeAdapter SDK Runtime SQLServerADO.NETProvider SAP SiebelOracle DBOracle DB

8 SOA conference Creación de un Adaptador

9 SOA conference BizTalk Server Office SharePoint Server Office Business Applications SQL Server Integration Services.NET Application

10 SOA conference WCFLOBAdapter Adapter SDK Runtime Service Host Adapter Metadata Utility Tool Browse/Search/ChooseBrowse/Search/Choose GenerateMetadata AdapterConsumer WCFWCF WCFWCF Client Process Design-Time Run-Time WCFMessage Target System Message Windows Apps Web Apps.. Other.NET Applications Implements and hosts <<acceptor>>Service<<acceptor>>Service Service Interface <<initiator>>TargetSystem Line-of- Business (LOB)<<initiator>>TargetSystem (LOB)

11 SOA conference Client Process WCFLOBAdapter Adapter SDK Runtime Adapter Metadata Utility Tool Browse/Search/ChooseBrowse/Search/Choose Generate Metadata WCF <<initiator>>.NETClientProxy<<initiator>>.NETClientProxy WCF Design-Time Run-Time WCFMessage Target System Message AdapterConsumer Windows Apps Web Apps.. Other.NET Applications <<acceptor>>TargetSystem Line-of- Business (LOB)<<acceptor>>TargetSystem (LOB)

12 SOA conference Consumir un Adapter con.NET

13 SOA conference BizTalk Server Process Browse/Search/ChooseBrowse/Search/Choose Generate Metadata AdapterConsumer Adapter Metadata Utility Tool WCFLOBAdapter Adapter SDK Runtime BizTalk WCF Receive Adapter Adapter WCFWCF WCFMessage Target System Message BizTalk Message Box SendPipeline XMLMessage XML Schema(s) BusinessProcess BizTalk Orchestration BusinessProcess Design-Time Run-Time <<initiator>>TargetSystem Line-of- Business (LOB)<<initiator>>TargetSystem (LOB)

14 SOA conference BizTalk Server Process Browse/Search/ChooseBrowse/Search/Choose Generate Metadata AdapterConsumer WCFLOBAdapter Adapter SDK Runtime BizTalk WCF Send Adapter Adapter WCF WCFMessage Target System Message BizTalk Message Box SendPipeline XMLMessage XML Schema(s) BusinessProcess BizTalk Orchestration BusinessProcess Design-Time Run-Time <<acceptor>>TargetSystem Line-of- Business (LOB)<<acceptor>>TargetSystem (LOB)

15 SOA conference Consumiendo un adaptador con BizTalk Server 2006 R2

16 SOA conference

17 © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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