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PCC dose per manufacturer’s instructions.

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1 PCC dose per manufacturer’s instructions.
PCC dose per manufacturer’s instructions. For Cofact (Sanquin), the variable dose is determined using bodyweight, baseline INR and a choice in a preferred target INR of ≤2.1 (A) or ≤1.5 (B). For Beriplex (CSL Behring), the manufacturer’s instructions only provide a dosing algorithm to reach a target INR≤1.3 (C). For both Cofact and Beriplex, 10 mL corresponds to 250 IU fIX. INR, international normalised ratio; IU fIX, international units of factor IX; PCC, prothrombin complex concentrate. Rahat A Abdoellakhan et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e020764 ©2018 by British Medical Journal Publishing Group

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