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Brussels 7 November 2007 SCG Meeting

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1 Brussels 7 November 2007 SCG Meeting
Chemical Monitoring Activity Overview of the activities Mario Carere-Philippe Quevauviller-Bernd Gawlik National Institute of Health-Italy European Commission Joint Research Center

WG E PLENARY CMA (GW, SW/MW) WG C or WG E (joint meetings) CMA-1 Exchange of best practices CMA-2 QA_QC CMA-3 Standardisation (CEN TC/230) Sediment and biota Follow-up of COM decision Discussion of common strategy (EAQC-WISE) Identification of standards Follow-up of CEN work Most recent milestones: Activity Leader’s meeting in Brussels on 16 October 2007: Planning established for ‘sediment & biota’ guidance document Feedback on QA/QC draft received from EC Legal Service Draft mandate to CEN now adopted Next plenary meeting: Pau (France) on 13 May 2008 (back-to-back field trial workshop)

3 Activity CMA-1 (Monitoring best practices)
Work in progress The Surface Water monitoring guidance will be updated/finalised as soon as the PS Directive text will be consolidated (after 2nd reading); an interim version is available on circa. JRC has performed a field trial for selected priority pollutants in surface water together with different European laboratories. A Report is available and will be distributed to CMA. Organisation of a second field trials for 2008 is envisaged. Elaboration of a guidance on sediment and biota monitoring in the light of requirements of Article 16 of the WFD (focus on priority substances). On-going discussion on monitoring best practices also in the light of the new directive proposal (mixing zones, other items..).

4 Activity CMA-2 (Quality assurance and control)
Work in progress On-going discussions on the “Commission Decision“ initiated in 2006, which is aimed to be adopted by comitology (legal basis: Article 8.3 WFD) in spring Further adjustments needed in the light of advices received from EC Legal Service Development of a common strategy for quality assurance and control that will cover surface and groundwater in close connection with the EAQC-WISE project (European Analytical Quality Control in support of WISE), aiming to identify common requirements and establish a European network in support of routine monitoring laboratories.

5 Activity CMA-3 (Standardisation)
Work in progress Establishment of list(s) of ISO and EN standards relevant to WFD chemical monitoring of priority substances elaborated by DG/Env and the Working Group 1 of CEN/TC-230. Now available on circa. Elaboration of a mandate for standardisation addressed to CEN for the development or improvement or standards in support of the WFD (draft communicated to SCG). No intention to submit this to comitology. On.going discussion on standardisation needs related to WFD chemical monitoring and evaluation of expressed needs (this should concern the analysis of physico-chemical parameters and chemical substances monitored under the WFD in surface/marine and ground water, sediment and biota;

6 CMA (2007-2009) Next meetings (2008)
Activity Leader’s meeting in Ispra on 29 January 2008 to discuss work planning for Plenary CMA meeting in Pau (France) on 13 May 2008, back-to-back a workshop on field trials and validation of in-situ methods using experimental ‘artificial rivers’ sites Meeting on QA/QC linked to EAQC-WISE project, planned for second half of June 2008 Plenary CMA meeting around October 2008, to be confirmed

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