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Abraham Maslow Khaled Al-sudani.

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Presentation on theme: "Abraham Maslow Khaled Al-sudani."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abraham Maslow Khaled Al-sudani

2 Biography -Born in Brooklyn, New York on April 1,1908 and Died June 8, 1970 in Menlo Park, California (age 62) -Was an American Psychologist -Studied at University of Wisconsin -Was a professor at Brandeis University, Brooklyn college, and Cornell University. -Best known for Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

3 Contributions - Humanistic theories of self-actualization.
-”Peak Experiences” -Qualities of self actualizing people -Truth, Goodness, Beauty, Unique, Wholeness, Justice, Simplicity, Richness.

4 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
-Metamotivation -B values -Psychology of religion. -Positive Psychology.

5 Criticism -Too soft -Lack of evidence -Positive psychology focuses
-Hierarchy has lots of bias

6 Legacy -In 1961 founded Journal of Humanistic Psychology.
-1967 was named Humanist of the Year by American Humanist Association. -His ideas still studied today by academics.

7 3 QUESTIONS -In your opinion what would you say reaching your full potential is?Why? -How does Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs help healthcare professionals? -In your opinion what would you say is the most important need?Why?


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