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Chapter 14: A New Spirit of Change

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1 Chapter 14: A New Spirit of Change
Section 2: Reforming American Society

2 Vocabulary temperance movement: campaign to stop the drinking of alcohol labor union: group of workers who band together to seek better working conditions strike: to stop work to demand better working conditions

3 A Spirit of Revival Second Great Awakening: Temperance Movement:
Anyone could be “saved” Revival meetings- emotionally charged events where religious leaders hoped to attract followers Temperance Movement: Alcohol blamed for poverty and violence 1851 – Maine bans the sale of liquor Shakers (religion): Communal living: everyone shared homes and goods Men and women equal

4 Workers’ Rights Factory life: Labor Unions: 12-14 hour workdays
Women and children paid less Unsafe and unhealthy Labor Unions: 1835 & 1836: 140 strikes take place in the eastern factories Wanted better conditions and pay 1840- president Van Buren orders a 10 hour workday for government workers

5 Social Reform Education: Care for the Needy:
Horace Mann - “father of the American public school” Boston, MA opens first public high school in 1821 Oberlin College – first to accept women (1833) African American children were still barred from most public schools Care for the Needy: Dorthea Dix brings attention to the care of the mentally ill Thomas H. Gallaudet: started first free school for the deaf Samuel G. Howe: the New England Asylum for the blind

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