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Endocrine surgery from long incisions to minimally invasive surgery

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1 Endocrine surgery from long incisions to minimally invasive surgery
Nidal Younes MBBSc Professor of endocrine Surgery Secretary General JMC




5 How Uneducated Butchers and Barbers Became Today’s Skilled Surgeons

6 British surgeon Robert Liston and the 2-3 min amputation

7 Morton Ether Inhaler at the Mass. General in1847

8 June 17, 1867: Lister Cuts Clean, Saves Lives


10 The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1909 was awarded to Theodor Kocher"for his work on the physiology, pathology and surgery of the thyroid gland

11 (September 18, 1889 — September 2, 1917

12 The first parathyroidectomy performed by Felix Mandel in 1925


14 Laparoscopic surgery 1975 laparoscopic salpingectomy
gyneprocedures 1981 Semm /Germany 1st lap appendectomy 1989 lap cholecystectomy


16 Surgery 101. up until the discovery of anesthesia
Surgery s traditional surgery Surgery 103 from 1990s MIS

17 Scope of laparoscopic surgery
Cholecystectomy Appendectomy Adrenalectomy Colectomy Hernioplasty Diagnostic Hiatus Hernia repair Bariatric surgery Adhesiolysis

18 Advantages of Lap Surgery
Day care surgery Shorter hospital stay Improved cosmesis Faster recovery Minimal pain Small scar Better preservation of respiratory function

19 The Art of surgery Clinical judgment Knowledge Dexterity

20 Surgical management requires
localization Access Surg procedure


22 Minimally invasive thyroid surgery
Minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy (MIVAT) Totally endoscopic techniques that include an axillary approach, transcervical …

23 Outcome and prognosis Better cosmesis
less postoperative pain and discomfort conventional thyroidectomy shorter hospital stays.



26 Minimaly inavsive parathyroid surgery
Videoendoscopic- co2 insufflations Videoendoscopic- gassless Videoassisted Radioguided Focused central mini incision Focused lateral mini incision

27 Targeted /minimally invasive surgery
Preoperative localizing techniques U/S CT Sestamibi Spect CT MRI

28 Targeted Vs bilateral exploration
RTCs comparing routine bilateral exploration vs limited exploration guided by IOPTH, show that bilateral exploration leads to the unnecessary removal of additional non-hypersecreting parathyroid glands Siperstein A, Prospective evaluation of sestamibi scan, ultrasonography, and rapid PTH to predict the success of limited exploration for sporadic primary hyperparathyroidism, Surgery 2004 Miccoli P, Endoscopic bilateral neck exploration versus quick intraoperativ e parathormone assay (qPTHa) during endoscopic parathyroidectomy: A prospective randomized trial, Surgery 1999


30 Minimally invasive parathyroid surgery








38 Indications for adrenalectomy
Incidentalomas Primary hyperaldosteronism Cushing syndrome Pheochromocytoma Neuroblastoma Adrenocortical carcinoma During surgery for RCC

39 DDx adrenal mass Cortical vs Medullary Benign vs malignant
Functioning vs non functioning Primary vs secondary


41 Adrenal tumors Conn’s syndrome Cushing's syndrome Pheochromocytoma
Neuroblastoma 30% adrenal Virilizing or feminizing syndromes Myelolipoma ACC (1 case per 1.7 million)




45 Conn’s syndrome A 25 y male presents to the clinic as a new patient. He takes no prescription medications, over-the-counter products or “alternative substances” He came because his wife, a PA, noted hypertension and scheduled the visit Lab results revealed K=2.9







52 Pheochromocytoma

53 Adrenocortical carcinoma
Functioning Cushing's syndrome Conn’s syndrome Pheochromocytoma Virilizing or feminizing syndromes Non Functioning

54 Adrenocortical tumors
Carcinomas are typically >18 units Hounsfield  In-phase/opposed-phase, MRIs. benign lesions show a loss of signal intensity malignant lesions show no loss of signal Extra adrenal extension 

55 ACC incidence is 1 in 1.7 million.
Incidence of CA in incidentaloma 0%-25%. Adrenocortical carcinomas are large with irregular borders on CT  By the time they are found, they are usually 12 cm in diameter. Over 90% of adrenocortical carcinomas are >6 cm at presentation.


57 Transaxillary incisions
Neck collar incision Small incisions Endoscopic Robotic Transaxillary incisions Transoral incisons


59 Minirobots Minicrab-like robots

60 NanoRobots

61 Transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy: A case report
Vishwanath M. Pai et al International Journal of Surgery Case Reports Volume 12, 2015, Pages 99–101

62 Surgery before anesthesia

63 Surgery after anesthesia

64 Operating Room with no People
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA January, 2007


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