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TRANSFORMERS Transformers are not semi conductor devices, however, they play an integral role in the operations of most of power supplies. The basic schematic.

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Presentation on theme: "TRANSFORMERS Transformers are not semi conductor devices, however, they play an integral role in the operations of most of power supplies. The basic schematic."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRANSFORMERS Transformers are not semi conductor devices, however, they play an integral role in the operations of most of power supplies. The basic schematic symbol for the transformer is as shown in figure,


3 TRANSFORMER The transformer basically consists of two inductors, which are in close proximity to each other. However, they are not physically connected.

4 TRANSFORMER The device consist of two windings called the primary and secondary windings. The input to the transformer is applied to the primary. The output is taken from the secondary of the device.

5 TRANSFORMER An alternating voltage is applied to the primary which induces an alternating voltage in the secondary. However, keep in mind that primary and secondary windings are physically isolated.

6 TRANSFORMER A transformer can be designed in three modes.
The step up transformer provides a secondary voltage which is greater in amplitude as compared to primary.

7 TRANSFORMER For example, a step up transformer may provide a 240 Vac out put against 120 Vac at the in put. A step up transformer is shown

8 TRANSFORMER The step down transformer provides a secondary voltage which is less than the primary voltage. For example, a transformer shown in the figure provides 30Vac at the out put against 120Vac input, as shown


10 TRANSFORMER An isolation transformer provides an out put voltage that is equal to the input voltage. These are used to electrically isolate power supplies from the power lines.


12 TRANSFORMER Turn ratio
The turn ratio of a transformer is the ratio of number of turns in the primary to the number of turns in the secondary. For example, the step down transformer shown has a turn ratio of 4:1, which means there are four turns in the primary against each turn in the secondary.


14 TRANSFORMER The turn ratio of the transformer is equal to the voltage ratio of the two components, so that

15 TRANSFORMER Where N2=Number of turns in the secondary winding.
N1= Number of turns in the primary winding. V2=Voltage in the secondary. V1=Voltage to the primary.

When turn ratio and the primary voltage is known, the secondary voltage can be found as V2 = (N2/N1)V1 For example the step down transformer in the previous fig. has 120 Vac input. The secondary voltage can be found as

V2 = (N2/N1) V1 = 1/4(120Vac) = 30Vac

Ideally, transformers are 100 percent efficient. This means that the ideal transformer can transfer 100 percent of its input power to the secondary. So that by formula we may write P2 = P1 Since power is equal to the product of voltage and current

V2I2 =V1I1 and I1/I2 =V2/V1 The current ratio is inverse to the voltage ratio. This means that For step down transformer, I2>I1 For step up transformer, I2<I1

In other words, current varies opposite to the variation in voltage. If voltage increases, current decreases and vice versa. Since the Voltage ratio of a transformer is equal to the turn ratio therefore,

the previous equation can be written as I1/I2 =N2/N1 I2 = (N1/N2)I1

22 EXAMPLE 1 The fuse in the figure is used to limit the current in the primary of the transformer. Assuming that the fuse limits the value of I1 to 1A, what is the limit on the value of the secondary current.

23 SOLUTION The maximum secondary current is found using the limit on I1 and the turns ratio as follows: I2 =N1/N2 I1 = (1/4)1A

24 SOLUTION I2 = 250mA If the secondary current tries to exceed the 250mA limit, the primary current will exceed its limit and blow off the fuse.

In the schematic symbol, there are two dots : one on the top side of the primary and the other on top of secondary. In this case we will be working with a transformer which does not produce any phase difference between the input and out put.


In the schematic symbol, there are two dots : one on the top side of the primary and one on the bottom side of the secondary, in this case We are working with a transformer whose output voltage is 180o out of phase with its input voltage as shown in fig.


29 HALF WAVE RECTIFIERS The half wave rectifier is made up of a diode and a resistor as shown in the fig. The half wave rectifier is used to eliminate either positive or negative part of the input.

30 Negative Half Wave Rectifiers
Fig. shows a half wave rectifier with diode direction is reversed. In this circuit the diode will conduct on the negative half cycle of the input, and

31 Negative Half Wave Rectifiers
VL = V2. The diode will be reversed biases for the positive half cycle of the input and VD = V2.

32 Negative Half Wave Rectifiers
As a result positive half cycle of the input is eliminate. The operating principle of the negative half wave rectifier is same as the positive half wave rectifiers. The only difference is the polarity of the output will be reversed.

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