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Effects of FMT in sows and/or offspring on median relative abundances (%) of bacterial phyla (A and B) and genera (C and D) in offspring fecal samples.

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Presentation on theme: "Effects of FMT in sows and/or offspring on median relative abundances (%) of bacterial phyla (A and B) and genera (C and D) in offspring fecal samples."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effects of FMT in sows and/or offspring on median relative abundances (%) of bacterial phyla (A and B) and genera (C and D) in offspring fecal samples (at weaning and at 50, 65, and 100 days of age) and digesta samples (from the ileum, cecum, and colon) at the sow treatment level (A and C) and offspring treatment level (B and D). Effects of FMT in sows and/or offspring on median relative abundances (%) of bacterial phyla (A and B) and genera (C and D) in offspring fecal samples (at weaning and at 50, 65, and 100 days of age) and digesta samples (from the ileum, cecum, and colon) at the sow treatment level (A and C) and offspring treatment level (B and D). Data are from 36 pigs. At the sow treatment level, n = 18 offspring each from CON and FMTP sows. At the offspring treatment level, n = 12 each in the CON, FMT1, and FMT4 groups. Heatmaps are split by relative abundance, with more highly abundant phyla/genera shown in the upper heatmaps and less abundant taxa shown in the lower heatmaps. Phyla and genera that are in boldface are those affected by a sow treatment × offspring treatment interaction. Data for these, together with other phyla and genera also affected by a sow treatment × offspring treatment interaction, are shown in Table S1. (B and D) Within each bacterial taxon, boxes that do not share a letter (a, b, c) represent significantly different results (P ≤ 0.05). Ursula M. McCormack et al. mSystems 2018; doi: /mSystems

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