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3D User Interface Input Hardware

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1 3D User Interface Input Hardware
Presented by Ronn Quijada

2 Some quick Terminology
Active vs. Passive Sensors - Do you have to interact with it to work? Inside-Out vs. Outside-In tracking - Do we track relative from the user or from the world? Isotonic vs. Isometric joystick- Can we move the joystick? Degrees of Freedom (DOF) - How many ‘sliders’ can we control?

3 Input Device Categorization
DOF - How many Degrees of Freedom the device can be manipulated Input Type / Input Frequency Discrete input (boolean) vs Continuous (range) Input once vs constant stream Intended Use Pick - Which one in a set Locator - Where it is Valuator - What value it is

4 Traditional Input

5 Traditional Input Keyboards 2D mice and Trackballs
Pen and Touch-based Tablets Joysticks Desktop 6-DOF input devices Modelling, computer games, spreadsheets; traditional input based on 2D user interfaces, but can be used in 3D interfaces as well (albeit not as well as other solutions) Pen and touch based tablets (pictured wacom digitizer) Joystick: Isotonic - PS4 LR sticks, Isometric - 3D connexion, (pictured atari 2600 controller, technically isotonic) 6DOF: Pan horizontal/vertical, tilt, spin, roll, zoom in/out

6 3D Interface Adapted Traditional Input
Chord Keyboards Virtual Keyboards Handheld 2D mice One handed, press keys in a ‘chord’ to represent a traditional keystroke Pictured Twiddler2

7 3D Spatial Input

8 3D Spatial Input Primer: Sensing Types
Magnetic Sensing - Magnetic field disturbances to determine location Mechanical Sensing - Hardware such as potentiometers and shaft encoders to track movement Acoustic Sensing - Ultrasonic pulses, with reflection to determine position Inertial Sensing - Gyroscopes, Accelerometers, detects changes in velocity and orientation for tracking Optical Sensing - cameras and 3D vision to provide tracking Radar Sensing - Radar reflections for tracking Bioelectric Sensing - senses electrical activity in the body to infer pose or gesture Hybrid Sensing - combination of techniques

9 Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (Knees and Toes) Tracking
Limb/Head Tracking Tracks large movements, usually done with optical tracking with inertial sensors Finger Tracking bend-sensing technology Pinch-sensing technology - checks for contact between fingers Eye Tracking Optical sensing, using corneal reflections Pictured, Plexus finger tracking

10 In-Depth: HTC Vive Markerless Inside-Out Tracking System
Lighthouses project infrared light for optical sensors on headset and wands Optical sensors for ground truth, Inertial sensors for small movements

11 In Depth: Optical Sensing Techniques
Marker Based Outside-in tracking Optical sensors tracking markers on subjects Tracking based on known objects Broken into primitives beforehand Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) Building models of the environment using the input data Pictured: slam visualisation

12 Complementary Inputs

13 Complementary Inputs Speech Input Brain Input Speech recognition
Microphone placement Implicit push-to-talk (‘alexa’, ‘ok google’) Brain Input Brainwave activity as input Electroencephalogram (EEG) fMRI, PET, fNIRS can also be used, but impractical for HMDs Pictured Emotiv EEG (14 channels)

14 Other Weird Bits of Input
ShapeTape For creating 3D curves Armature Controllers Input based on skeletons Used primarily for animation iSphere 24 DOF input for 3D modelling CavePainting Table Tracked brush to simulate painting Pictured The Dinosaur input device, used in animating the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park

15 Conclusion Input Categories of DOF, Input Type, and Intended Use
Traditional 2D, Spatial 3D and Complimentary Input types Traditional discrete and continuous inputs Different sensing types Combinations of sensing mechanisms to build Spatial 3D inputs

16 In Case We Have Time… (10:53)

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