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Enduring Solution – Stage 2 (ES-S2)
Harmonisation of electricity retail market operations Presentation by: Michael Atkinson – ES-S2 Project Team 23 September 2009
Context – Enduring Solution Project
ESB implemented market facing systems in December 2004 Tested in recent high levels of switching in domestic market in RoI NIE implemented interim solution in November 2007 Constrained by need to further upgrade / replace existing systems Options to remove constraints explored with NIAUR during 2008 Agreed with NIAUR to procure an Enduring Solution (ES) that would Upgrade existing systems and provide for business separation Provide a base for harmonisation and smart metering Procurement process commenced at end 2008 Industry Group (ESSG) established early 2009 RfP issued in May 09 ; responses to RfP received July 09 Outline timeline initially to deliver end 2011 Private and Confidential
Move to Full Harmonisation
Harmonisation on agenda from start of ES project High level NIAUR views - April 2008 and Nov 2008 consultation papers Approach discussed with SIG and ESSG ES planned initially on parallel and incremental approach Progress to extent possible at RfP and include further updates at BAFO - with likelihood of significant post Go Live release Some ten additional messages included at RfP Significant joint progress with NIAUR / CER since spring 09 Strong desire now to maximise extent of harmonisation included in main contract for enduring solution Private and Confidential
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What is Harmonisation? Harmonisation considered in context of: Alignment with other jurisdictions Focus on market operations from perspective of suppliers Initially wide scope, now focused on alignment with RoI Harmonisation – the objective may be: Common set of messages Common set of business rules Market procedures to describe consistent set of rules for supplier interactions Integrated governance mechanism to the extent that can be implemented with an acceptable impact on overall enduring solution timetable and cost In place from start, to get to best short term position within ES, and then remains to ensure further convergence Private and Confidential
Aspiration and Approach
A joint project is being established between NIE and ESB Aspiration - harmonisation bringing real benefits to suppliers developed for inclusion in core ES project contract Principal scope is market messages and associated processes alignment of technical solutions will also be considered Overall approach Recognise existing differences between jurisdictions Consider options for alignment on a case by case basis Engage with appropriate stakeholders Develop pragmatic outcomes – which are cost effective and efficient Private and Confidential
Joint Arrangements with NIE and ESB
Overall plan is to work in a cyclical manner through messages Clustered probably in six groups Working together on schema and process alignment Approximate three month timeline Teams established and actively engaged Outcomes will be discussed with industry steering group Stakeholder engagement at critical points Detailed plans being developed Need for commitment from all involved parties to work within an acceptable impact on enduring solution procurement timetable Private and Confidential
Meeting the challenges – leading to best outcome
Suppliers Outcome must bring real benefits with savings to customers Suppliers will incur cost depending on level of system changes Network Operators Ultimately the outcome must be deliverable and cost effective Significant changes to systems / processes may arise with costs Enduring Solution Project Harmonisation will impact cost and timeline – Stage 2 and Stage 3 Project Team will not go to contract until requirements well defined Need a sensible balance of ‘ideal’ solution vs what is achievable within acceptable impact on ES timetable Balance extent of harmonisation vs timetable to deliver ES Private and Confidential
Messages and Associated Processes - Options
Five principal options identified Full harmonisation – Development of new schema and processes Full Harmonisation – Substantive adoption of RoI schema and processes Full Harmonisation – Substantive adoption of NI schema and processes Partial Harmonisation – Common schema, different processes Deferred Harmonisation – Limited change in enduring solution Private and Confidential
High Level Assessment of Options
Full Partial Defer New Based on RoI Based on NI Messages only Existing ES Suppliers active in RoI and NI Costs Highest for Full Lowest for Full Mid range for Full Cheaper than Full Lowest initially – costly long run Benefits Similar for all Full harmonisation options, once end target realised Limited Very limited NIEES and ESBCS Costs NIEES Mid range, lower than Full Limited, lower than Partial Costs ESBCS Limited or none, given present focus of market operations Avoids change Network operators Costs NIE Costs ESBN None direct, benefit is ability to support retail market Risks Implementation risks higher, longer term benefits earlier and more assured Cost/benefit tradeoff Long term benefits uncertain Private and Confidential
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Governance Intention is to establish: Project Steering Group, to provide overall direction Project Working Group, to go through detailed proposals within brief defined by Steering Group, and to report any unresolved issues to it Aligned governance from end 2009 also required to ensure: Alignment arising from project does not drift due to incremental decisions taken separately in each jurisdiction Further convergence around areas not fully aligned within ES Principles of that governance likely to include Common set of principles applying to further development Single change control process, possibly working in parallel in separate jurisdictions Private and Confidential
Examples of Areas Where Full Harmonisation May Not Be Achieved in Short Term
RoI Fieldwork Appointments Schedule appointment Request appointment Thresholds – Meters & Tariffs 70kVA 30kVA/100kVA New Connections No energisation without registration Energisation possible without registration HH Meter Intervals Half Hourly Quarter Hourly Meter Read Cycles Three months Two months Estimated Reads Different rules Meter Types Different categories Prepayment Meters Keypad, customer choice, in competitive market Token, financial hardship, not in competitive market Private and Confidential
Private and Confidential
Next Steps Seeking views today on overall approach and proposed options Builds on presentation to ESSG last week Initial paper setting out approach and analysis of options circulated Regulators will determine appropriate way forward, in particular Focus of harmonisation alignment Appropriate timescales for delivery and impact on ES project Approach to dealing with issues likely to fall outside those timescales Steering Group and Working Group arrangements Private and Confidential
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