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Global Affairs Canada Fanie V. Thibeault

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1 Global Affairs Canada Fanie V. Thibeault
Senior Policy Analyst, Natural Resources and Governance Division

2 Why implement the Voluntary Principles?
While the duty to PROTECT human rights rests with governments, businesses have a responsibility to RESPECT human rights as outlined in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The VPs can help companies improve their practices on security and human rights and make those practices more predictable by : conducting a comprehensive assessment of human rights risks   interacting appropriately with public and private security providers  implementing human rights screenings of and trainings for public and private security forces  developing systems for reporting and investigating allegations of human rights abuses

3 Canada’s Support to the Voluntary Principles Initiative
Canada works through multilateral organizations, bilateral engagement, development assistance and trade policy to enhance the promotion and protection of human rights internationally. The Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights are one of six multilateral performance guidelines promoted in the Government of Canada’s Enhanced CSR strategy for the extractives sector. Engagement in the Initiative, including our chairmanship last year, is very important to Canada as the Initiative addresses key issues and priorities for our government. In-country implementation was part of Canada’s priority objectives for engagement.

4 Value Added of the Voluntary Principles Initiative
Mutual learning and joint problem-solving with governments, international and national extractive companies and NGOs to address challenges related to security and human rights concerns A space to identify and solve security challenges   Collaboration to address root causes of existing security and human rights concerns Coordinated and timely responses to specific challenges that arise over time

5 Canada’s Role in Supporting Voluntary Principles Implementation
Promotion of the VPs domestically and abroad is aligned with Canada’s work on respect for human rights, stability and the protection of the rights of women, children and the most vulnerable. We work through our embassies to engage with key players on the ground. Such engagement may include supporting multi-stakeholder initiatives; providing training and technical assistance; hosting learning forums; and promoting best practices with regard to VPs implementation.

6 Thank you Fanie V. Thibeault
Senior Policy Analyst, Natural Resources and Governance Division

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