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Bellringer – 10/10/12 No Bellringer today because of the short period.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer – 10/10/12 No Bellringer today because of the short period."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer – 10/10/12 No Bellringer today because of the short period.
Turn in your homework when you come in so we can get started on our lesson for today.

2 Lab Reports Your lab reports are due on Friday.
Today, I am going to go over what needs to be in your reports.

3 Lab Reports On the lab report guidelines sheet, I said your reports needed the following things: Title Purpose Hypothesis Materials Procedure Results Conclusion

4 Title The title of your experiment should give the reader an idea of what you studied. Don’t just name it “Lab report”!

5 Purpose In the purpose section, describe the question that you wanted to answer. Why did we do the lab in the first place?

6 Hypothesis Here, you need to state your prediction for this experiment. When we started the experiment, where did you think the Ailanthus stored its chemicals?

7 Materials This section is just where you need to list the materials you used for this experiment. I am ok with you copying this section from the pre-lab, but only this section. If you didn’t use a certain material, don’t list it.

8 Procedure Describe how you completed the experiment from start to finish. Your procedure should be in your own words and should be detailed. Don’t just copy this from your pre-lab.

9 Results For your results, make a graph of your data and of the class data Be sure to use the right kind of graph Class Data Control Leaves Stems Roots 2.00 cm 0.63 cm 1.08 cm 0.86 cm

10 Conclusion For your conclusion, you need to interpret your results.
What do your results mean? What would you do differently next time? Were there any errors that were made during the lab? What might your next experiment be?

11 Last but not least Your lab report must be written clearly and in complete sentences. Grammar and spelling will count towards your grade.

12 If you have questions… I will be around before school and after school tomorrow. Also, me or call/text me between now and Friday. The lab reports are due Friday!

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