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BACKGROUND Aims of implementation: Align activities with the New Song

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1 BACKGROUND Aims of implementation: Align activities with the New Song
In New Ireland Province, opportunities for strengthening provincial fisheries extension services and developing networks of LMMAs/community champions, building on recently endorsed CBFM plans and large-scale consultations processes being facilitated by WCS PACIFIC OCEAN NEW IRELAND PROVINCE Bismarck Sea INDONESIA PAPUA NEW GUINEA Aims of implementation: Align activities with the New Song Decentralise and strengthen local capacity for coastal fisheries management; Improve the uptake and spread of best practice for CBFM Arafura Sea Solomon Sea PORT MORESBY Torres Strait AUSTRALIA Google Earth, 2017

2 THE APPROACH J. McClean, 2017 OBJECTIVE ONE: Strengthen networks to support and upscale community-based management in New Ireland Province [Linked to Component B] OBJECTIVE TWO: Improve effectiveness of extension service provision by the New Ireland Provincial Fisheries Office [Linked to Component C] The activities will apply LMMA network operating principles and will be tied to the themes of the New Song

3 Activity 1.1: Establish a New Ireland LMMA learning network
OBJECTIVE ONE Activity 1.2: Mentor champions to showcase best practice Activity 1.3: Develop networks for specific fisheries Activity 1.4: Make local voices heard through a technical working group

4 Activity 2.1 Mentor fisheries office staff to develop & implement plans
OBJECTIVE TWO Activity 2.2: Generate fisheries information database Activity 2.3 Develop communication strategy Activity Align fisheries office and LLG workplans

WCS has a strong relationship with the New Ireland Provincial Government, National Fisheries Authority, National Fisheries College and other stakeholders WILDLIFE CONSERVATION SOCIETY WCS largest on the ground presence of any environmental NGO in PNG, with over 30 years experience implementing there with local communities WCS has proven capacity to manage complex grants from the European Union, Asian Development Bank and other major donors Since 2005, WCS has been actively involved in sustainable fisheries management with communities, government and other stakeholders in Kavieng District and has facilitated establishment of 22 LMMAs in PNG WCS INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY

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