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The Lure of Open-mindedness

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1 The Lure of Open-mindedness
We need to be open-minded to truth; but should we be equally open-minded to all the varying theological traditions, newly discovered doctrines, or morphing morals of our culture? The church at Pergamos is an example of what happens when we fall prey to the lure of open-mindedness. The apostle Paul, once a narrow-minded Pharisee, warns us against opening our minds to false teachers. Revelation 2:12-17

2 Pergamos: The Open-minded Church
In Revelation 2:12-17, Christ confronts a congregation that had become too open-minded for its own good.

3 But What About the Pharisees?
The Pharisees were hard hearted and narrow minded (Matthew 15:1-9) Paul, the one-time Pharisee, insisted that all men carefully keep the apostles’ traditions He describes his past life in Galatians 1:14. Yet, as an apostle he insists on keeping God-given traditions (1 Cor. 11:2; 2 Thess. 2:15; 3:6). But, he warned against being deceived by human traditions (Colossians 2:8).

4 Don’t open your mind to known false teachers!!!
Guard the truth you have received! (1 Timothy 6:20-21) Turn away from false teachers! (2 Timothy 3:5-7; Rom. 16:17-18) Do NOT allow them to deceive you! (1 John 2:26-27) Test what you hear (1 John 4:1) Beware! The Scriptures can be twisted. (2 Peter 3:16-17) “We must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away…” Hebrews 2:1-3

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