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Simple Machines Project

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1 Simple Machines Project
Name Class period

2 1. Levers First Class lever
Definition Picture Examples: IMA= L in= Length of input arm p. 141 L out=Length of output arm

3 1. Levers 2nd Class lever Definition Picture Examples:
IMA= L in= Length of input arm p. 141 L out=Length of output arm

4 3. Levers 3rd Class lever Definition Picture Examples:
IMA= L in= Length of input arm p. 141 L out=Length of output arm

5 2. Pulley: Fixed pulley Definition Picture IMA=
Examples: well, flag pole, window blind

6 2. Pulley Movable pulley Definition Picture IMA= Examples: Zipline

7 2. Pulley Block and tackle
Definition Picture IMA Examples: Used on sailing ships, cranes, hoists

8 3. Wheel and Axle Definition Picture IMA Examples

9 3. Wheel and Axle Gears Definition Picture Example:

10 4. Inclined Plane Definition Picture IMA:
Examples: ramp, roller coaster, screw, parking ramp

11 5. Screw Definition Picture IMA= Circumference pitch

12 6. Wedge Definition Picture Example IMA= slope thickness

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