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Nucleic Acids DHPLC Applications in Biomedicine

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1 Nucleic Acids DHPLC Applications in Biomedicine
In The Name of Allah Nucleic Acids DHPLC Applications in Biomedicine Pooria Gill PhD of Nanobiotechnology

2 Nucleic Acids DNA Linear RNA Nature-made Man-made Circular Vectors
Genomic Cytoplasmic rRNA Man-made mRNA tRNA Oligo-primer ncRNA Oligo-probe tmRNA Q-DNA Circular siRNA Mitochondric Organoplasmic

3 Applications DHPLC Systems (e.g. WAVE Systems) can be used for a wide range of applications including: Mutation Detection Sizing Oligonucleotide Purification and Analysis Forensics Microbial Analysis RNA Isolation and Purification Single Base Extension Methylation

4 With the WAVE System you can:
Scan fragments for both known and novel mutations/SNPs without extensive resequencing Detect low-abundance mutations in heterogeneous samples Enrich for low-abundance alleles Fractionate complex mixtures of related fragments based on differences in sequence content Perform targeted mutation/SNP scoring via primer extension assays Analyze end-point products from allele-specific Probe/Primer-based Amplification Technologies

5 Probe/Primer-based Amplification Technologies
Primer-based Amplifications: Non-Isothermal Amplifications e.g. PCR-based Methods Isothermal Amplifications/Non-PCR-based Amplifications: NASBA HDA SDA , and more than 45 N.A.I.A. Technologies Probe-based Amplifications: For example: Ligase Chain Reactions

6 CARTRIDGE dependent Applications e.g. via WAVE Systems
DNA DNASep Cartridge 4.6 mm x 50 mm, for variety of DNA applications including Sizing and Mutation Detection, load capacity of 2µg DNA DNASep HT Cartridge 6.5 mm x 37 mm, for variety of DNA application but especially for Rapid Mutation Detection, load capacity of 4µg NUC OligoSep® Cartridge 4.6 mm x 50 mm; for Oligo Purification work only NUC OligoSep Prep HC Cartridge 7.8 mm x 50 mm, for Oligo Purification, load capacity of 5000µg RNA RNASep® Prep Cartridge 7.8 mm x 50 mm, for variety of RNA applications, load capacity of 50µg total RNA -OR- 1000ng of specific RNA




10 Chromatograms and pedigree of patients 3 and 16. A
Chromatograms and pedigree of patients 3 and 16. A. DHPLC analysis in normal control, patients 3 and 16. Both patients show abnormal DHPLC peak patterns with two peaks in comparison to normal control. B. Sequencing data in patient 3 and his family members. C. Sequencing data in patient 16 and his family members.

11 Example of Oligo Analysis by DHPLC


13 Thanks for Your Attentions Reference:

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