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12th grade Research Writing…… Research Writing

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1 12th grade Research Writing…… Research Writing
May 22, 2017

2 Checklist Your Rough draft of your essay is due by due Wednesday May 24,2017. You have until Wednesday evening to upload your paper into the proper folder that was shared with you! (this should be in your folder) Your Rough draft is worth 35 points and your outline is worth 15 points for a total of 50 points. It is worth a test grade. IF YOUR WORK IS LATE, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE FULL CREDIT. POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED BY THE DAY! EVEN IF YOU ARE ABSENT YOU ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLETING YOUR ASSIGNMENTS!!!! Refer to the website for all examples. PLEASE CHECK THE NEXT SLIDE FOR REQUIREMENTS!!!

3 Requirements for your RESEARCH paper
MLA style formatting and heading (including page #’s and citations/in-text citations) 12 point font, Times New Roman, Double-Spaced. You must have your Cornell Notes completed. You must have your Outline completed. (CORNELL NOTES CANNOT BE LISTED AS SUB-TOPICS!!!) Your introductory and concluding paragraph should be included on your outline as well!!! You must have your Research Sandwich completed Please copy and paste your MLA citations and summaries at the end of your research paper! Your paper should be a minimum of 3 pages and in your folder that I shared with you. ALL WORK THAT IS PAST DUE WILL HAVE POINTS DEDUCTED!!!!

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