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August 26, 2016 Read through the Digital Use Agreement

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Presentation on theme: "August 26, 2016 Read through the Digital Use Agreement"— Presentation transcript:

1 August 26, 2016 Read through the Digital Use Agreement
Write down any questions you have!

2 Digital use agreement By signing this agreement I am committing to:
Responsible use of my personal and classroom technology devices (cell phone, tablet, laptop or other smart devices) as outlined below. Respectfully responding to and complying with Ms. Schelstrate in the event that she has to comment about my digital use or request that I turn my device over to her.

3 I WILL use my personal and classroom technology for…
Ethically and honestly looking up words or information pertaining to English instruction Taking notes pertaining to English class Completing Ms. Schelstrate’s class assignments when it is appropriate Participating in Ms. Schelstrate’s online class discussions or activities Engaging in advanced English II Pre-AP classroom instruction including projects and presentations Submitting my classwork to Ms. Schelstrate when it is due

4 I WILL NOT use my personal technology…
To be academically dishonest To entertain myself during instruction or work time For drama, bullying, gossip or other destructive purposes that hurt myself or others Watch or promote negative / inappropriate behavior either from myself or others To engage in lengthy conversations with family or friends via texting or social media To disconnect from the learning environment in any way (ie: headphones/music instead of listening)

5 Sign and turn in By signing this agreement I understand that
Ms. Schelstrate sees the value in having access to digital devices in the classroom, and… My digital device(s) may be visible, but must be silent unless Ms. Schelstrate says otherwise. Reserves the authority to revoke the privilege to any student who chooses not to fulfill his or her part of this agreement. Reserves the authority to revoke the privilege to all of the students in any of her classes should the majority of her students in that class refuse to fulfill their part of this agreement. The consequences for breaking this agreement are the school wide cell phone policy as it is outlined in the P.S.J.A. Student Handbook.

6 Today’s objectives You will review the class website and the digital use agreement You will create a representation of yourself which defines your character to utilize in a future composition using either physical or digital materials

7 How would I describe myself? How would others describe me?
Today’s questions How would I describe myself? How would others describe me? What are character traits?

8 SSR Student responsibilities
-be reading without pause for 15 minutes -be reading an AR testable book -be reading a book on your reading level -be reading QUIETLY -if you have forgotten your main book, borrow or acquire another for the day (too many of these instances will affect your grade) -AR test on the book with a passing score --complete a project or assignment based on the novel read during SSR

9 Reasons for Deductions
SSR Rubric Point Deductions Reasons for Deductions # of infractions -10 points Every time you talk If writing Every time you text/use social media Automatic 0 points If sleeping or not reading

10 Our class website

11 Self-portrait rubric 16 points 13 points 10 points 4+ physical trait words 3 physical trait words 1-2 physical trait words 4+ mental trait words 3 mental trait words 1-2 mental trait words 2 quotes from others describing you either physically or mentally 1 quote from someone describing you either physically or mentally 1 short quote from someone describing you (not a complete description) 1 anecdote describing you (3-5 sentences long) 1 anecdote describing you (1-2 sentences long) anecdote is off topic or vague Correct Spelling 1-2 spelling errors 3-4 spelling errors Colorful and Creative Colorful but plain Lacking color +4 points if first name is PROMINENTLY displayed and decorated

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