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Writing a Flexiblity Program
Sports Medicine: Physical Fitness Writing a Flexiblity Program
Bellwork 1. Write the 4 components of the FITT formula.
2. Explain the differences between static and ballistic stretching.
Objectives 1. Discuss FITT formula guidelines for stretching
2. Review basic stretching guidelines 3. Learn basic stretches for major muscle groups 4. Write an individual flexibility program
The FITT Formula Type Static or PNF Ballistic Frequency
Stretch each muscle group daily, if possible, but at least 3 days a week . Stretch each muscle group daily, if possible, but at least 3 days a week Intensity Stretch the muscle beyond its normal length, until a tension is felt but avoid pain. Stretch the muscle beyond its normal length using slow, gentle bouncing Time Hold each stretch for 10 to 30 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Perform 1 set of 10 reps. Bounce against the muscle slowly and gently 10 to 15 times. Rest for 10 seconds between sets. Start with 1 set and progress to 3 sets.
? Thumbs up / Thumbs down The frequency recommended by the FITT formula for stretching is 3x week 1. Hand signals: thumbs up or thumbs down to indicate agreement or disagreement use fingers to indicate a number selection such as “Which is the correct solution one, two or three?” teacher gives feedback to the students PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 5
? Thumbs up / Thumbs down The intensity recommended by the FITT formula is a level high enough for a person to perspire 1. Hand signals: thumbs up or thumbs down to indicate agreement or disagreement use fingers to indicate a number selection such as “Which is the correct solution one, two or three?” teacher gives feedback to the students PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 6
The time recommended by the FITT formula is 10 seconds per stretch
? Thumbs up / Thumbs down The time recommended by the FITT formula is seconds per stretch 1. Hand signals: thumbs up or thumbs down to indicate agreement or disagreement use fingers to indicate a number selection such as “Which is the correct solution one, two or three?” teacher gives feedback to the students PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 7
Write on your Slates In 1 minute, write down as many stretching guidelines as you can think of. 2. Whiteboards/Slates student writes answer or solution to a question posed by the teacher teacher solicits all students to show at the same time teacher gives feedback to the students PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 2
Guidelines for Stretching
1. Start with a brief warm-up prior to stretching. A good rule is to warm up until you perspire. That will ensure that the tissues of the body will be more flexible due to an increase in body temperature. 2. Beginners should use static or PNF stretching instead of ballistic stretching. 3. Perform stretching exercises daily in order to increase flexibility. 4. Move into the stretching position slowly and continue until a stretch on the muscle is felt. Pain is not part of a good stretching program.
Guidelines for Stretching (cont.)
5. Sensory receptors are stimulated after 6 seconds of slow, sustained stretching so each stretch should be held for 10+ or more seconds. 6. Relax the muscle that is being stretched. 7. After the stretch is complete, slowly release the muscle from that position. 8. Do not stretch joints that are hypermobile, unstable, or injured. 9. Stretch only to the point that is comfortable for you. Stretching exercises are not meant to be competitive.
Muscle Groups to be Stretched
Shoulder muscles Low back muscles Trunk rotators Hip flexors Hip abductors Hamstrings Calves Bigger, more dynamic muscle groups! At the very least, stretch the muscle groups that you will be utilizing.
Flexibility Program Guidelines
Each muscle group from the previous slide has one or more stretching options. Each stretch is shown on the left side of the slide and explained on the right side of the slide Some stretches need to be performed to each side Pay close attention to the precautions. They appear below the explanation and are designated by the ◊ symbol. To write your flexibility program, choose at least one stretch for each major muscle group.
Shoulder Stretches A. Doorframe Stretch
Stand facing the doorway, hands on walls on either side with upper arms straight out and elbows bent at 90⁰ Walk through doorway until a stretch is felt Hold 10+ seconds ◊Make sure to maintain good standing posture◊
Shoulder Stretches B. Chair Stretch
Stand with feet shoulder width apart facing the back of the chair. Reach forward and place both hands on the back of the chair. Move head and chest downward by contracting abdominal muscles for 10+ seconds. ◊Keep feet spread and back from chair. Keep lower back flat – not arched.◊
Low Back Stretches C. Cross-Legged Curl
Sit with legs crossed and arms folded or relaxed Tuck in chin and lean forward, attempting to touch forehead to knees. Hold for 10+ seconds ◊Do not bounce. Keep glutes on the floor.◊
Low Back Stretches D. Sitting Curl
Sit on chair with hips back, feet flat on floor and spread shoulder width apart Tuck in chin and bend head forward between knees, with arms reaching toward the back of the chair Hold 10+ seconds ◊Keep hips in the chair & feet flat on the floor◊
Low Back Stretches E. Knees-to-Chest Curl Lie on back to start
Bring both knees to chest, then hold under the knees and pull them towards the chest If a stretch is not felt, bring head forward. Hold for 10+ seconds ◊Avoid placing excess weight on the back of the neck◊
Trunk Rotator Stretches
F. Seated Twist Sit with legs crossed Twist body to the right side. Place hand on the right side of the thigh and pull. Hold 10+ seconds. Repeat to opposite side ◊Keep back straight and sit tall◊
Trunk Rotator Stretches
G. Leg Over Lie on back with arms extended to the sides at shoulder level. Raise left leg to vertical position, keeping leg straight. Twist body to touch left leg to right hand. Hold 10+ seconds. Repeat to opposite side. ◊Keep knees straight, with arms and back on the floor◊
Glute/Hamstring Stretch
H. Lying Knee Pull Lie on back with legs extended. Bring left knee to chest, holding just under knee with both hands Pull until stretch is felt; hold 10+ seconds Repeat on opposite side ◊Make sure extended leg stays on the floor◊
Hip Flexor Stretch I. Table-Lying Knee Pull
Lie supine on table with legs over the edge. Bring left knee to chest, holding leg just below the knee with both hands. Hold 10+ seconds. Repeat to opposite side. ◊Be sure opposite leg is relaxed and hangs over the table◊
Hip Abductor Stretch J. Billig Stretch
Stand with feet together and right side to wall, about 18” from wall. Place right hand and forearm against the wall at shoulder level, left hand on hips. Keep body straight, facing forward, move hips toward the wall. Hold for 10+ seconds. Repeat to opposite side ◊Keep knees straight, hips and shoulders facing forward◊
Hamstring Stretches K. Sitting Toe-Touch
Sit on the floor with legs together and extended Extend arms forward, towards the toes, until a stretch is felt. Hold for 10+ seconds. ◊Do not bounce. Keep legs straight◊
Hamstring Stretches L. Hamstring Stretch
Sit with one leg extended, opposite leg bent at knee Bend forward at the waist and try to touch the toes. Hold 10+ seconds. Repeat with opposite leg. ◊Do not bounce. Keep extended leg straight◊
Calf Sretches M. Standing Calf Stretch
Stand facing the wall, with palms against the wall and body at arm’s length. Spread feet slightly apart. Keep feet flat and body in a straight line. Lean forward, bending elbows, until a stretch is felt. Hold 10+ seconds. ◊Keep knees and body straight and feet flat◊
Calf Stretches N. Sitting Calf Stretch
Sit on the floor with one leg extended and the opposite leg bent with the foot against the inside of the thigh. Using both hands, pull the toes toward the knee. Hold for 10+ seconds. ◊Keep knee straight. If needed, lean forward at hips & waist to increase stretch◊
to Using the letter given to you, select a word or phrase which best describes an element of the lesson or the information learned! 28. Alphabet Summary or Learning from A to Z after an activity, demonstration or explanation the teacher assigns a different letter of the alphabet to each student each student is asked to think of one word or idea that starts with that letter that relates to the lesson teacher calls on non-volunteers PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 27
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