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The Constitution.

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1 The Constitution

2 We the people of the United States of America,
Why did we need to create a new system of government? The Preamble: We the people of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

3 Constitutional Convention
When: May-Sept. 1787 Where: Philadelphia, PA

4 The Constitution sets up a _______________ that can do a lot of things, but is _________ in 3 major ways: government limited Checks & Balances Federalism Bill of Rights

5 1. Legislative Branch—Congress
Three Branches of Government 1. Legislative Branch—Congress (Makes the country’s laws)

6 HUGE Controversy: How many votes should each state get in the new national government (that is, Congress)?

7 Big states Virginia Pennsylvania Massachusetts Small states Delaware Georgia Connecticut Wanted vote based on population Wanted each state to have one vote

8 Solution: The Great Compromise
Created a Congress with 2 parts (two “houses”) Part #1: The U.S.House of Representatives (based on population) Part #2: The U.S. Senate (2 votes per state)


10 House of Representatives
Senate House of Representatives 2 California 53 Alaska 2 1

11 Three Branches of Government—
CHECKS AND BALANCES 1. Legislative Branch—Congress = U.S. House of Representatives + U.S. Senate (Makes the country’s laws) Only Congress can officially declare war/decides how much to spend on military Senate must Approve new members of Supreme Court Can impeach pres. Can veto laws Can declare laws unconstitutional As commander-in-chief controls use of military 3. Judicial Branch— the Supreme Court Appoints new members to Supreme Court Can declare presidential actions un- constitutional 2. Executive Branch— The President (Interprets the meaning of the country’s laws) (Enforces the country’s laws)

12 Federalism—Dividing Power Between National Gov’t and State Governments


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