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(a)(ii) Investigation

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Presentation on theme: "(a)(ii) Investigation"— Presentation transcript:

1 (a)(ii) Investigation
‘Fact Finding’

2 Investigation [12 marks]
this is all about fact finding & recording your findings You need to find out: details about the current methods of working and the problems the current system cause the requirements of the new system what does the client want it to do?

3 Fact Finding methods interviews questionnaires observation
collection of current documents

4 Mark Scheme

5 Mark Scheme: Fact Finding
Current System:

6 Mark Scheme: Fact Finding
New System:

7 Tick Sheet:

8 What do I need to find out?
Current methods Problems with current methods Expectations of new solution

9 What do I need to find out?
What information is currently recorded & stored? number of customers, items, orders per week, …. predicted increase in customers, sales, products existing codes & formats -> validation ID codes - stock code, ISBN, membership number …. limits - ages, sizes, quantities …. Who does the recording?; How is it recorded? Who uses the recorded information; How is it used? What is it used for? Is there any paper output? – invoice, letter, lists …. What?, Who?, How? quality of documents currently given to customers Security of information? how long is information held? -> back up /archiving what happens if the information is lost? awareness of, & compliance with DPA?

10 What do I need to find out?
Problems What’s bad about current methods?; What could be improved? What day-to-day problems do you encounter? Takes too long to …; Can’t find ….; Worry about losing …. Expectations What would you like to achieve from your new system? How would you like to record information? What would you like to be able to search for? What would you like to be able to print out? for the company; for the customer …. Security User login/password? Backup copies of data Be able to change user details Speed/time constraints of new system data entry, report generation, searches …..

11 What do I need to find out?
Current Hardware/Software current hardware - CPU, RAM, HDD …. installed operating system installed generic software - Office/Access or other/no software? current storage devices for backup, archiving or transferring data available printers - types/speeds/colour? size and type of current monitors - design v size, health & safety networking equipment Design aesthetics colour, layout, quantity of information …. corporate colour scheme/logo/font company headed paper; printed reports - colour, logo, font ergonomics ease of use; form controls v text boxes; validation to reduce errors quality v speed of printed output; b/w v colour

12 Investigation into the current system
the original plan of the questions, showing that all areas had been planned to be covered sensible follow-up questions to fill in gaps or to expand on points made transcript of interview further evidence of information collection  further interviews with the client and/or end user questionnaires, observations, documents, ……

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