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Honey Bee Biology and Behavior

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Presentation on theme: "Honey Bee Biology and Behavior"— Presentation transcript:

1 Honey Bee Biology and Behavior
Change some of the animations Lance Wilson Certified Master Craftsman Beekeeper (GMBP)

2 Honey Bee anatomy Antennae, eyes, colors and talk about dogs

3 Anatomy

4 Anatomy Thorax and abdomen…talk about spiracles and sting


6 Anatomy Talk about sting

7 Anatomy Practical Take Away! Scratch the stinger out, smoke the area.
PA: scratch the stinger out and alarm pheromone will cause more stings and don’t pinch. Practical Take Away! Scratch the stinger out, smoke the area.

8 Anatomy Darwin Origin of the Species He died in 1882.

9 Superorganism Pheromones Organs Reproduces Thermoregulates Comb
Dr. Wheeler Pheromones Organs Reproduces Thermoregulates Comb Breathes Can’t live away W. D. Hamilton established the genetic bases of this in 1964.

10 Trophalaxis Community stomach and the distribution of pheromones

11 Occupants of the colony
It is a superorganism because each type of occupant are interdependant

12 Drone Mating

13 Drone Congregation areas

14 Polyandry Practical Take Away!
-mating past 6 mates does not create much more diversity but rather increases the chance of capturing rare specialist alleles. Practical Take Away! Queens replaced by the colony in the late fall or winter might do poorly.

15 Advantages of Multiple Mating
Better communication More Nectar and pollen Greatly reduced pathogen and parasite diseases (Tarpy and Seeley) Microbiome-More beneficial and less malignant bacteria Correlated with greater longevity and health

16 Queen Two Things: Royal egg layer Produces pheromones
-Charles Butler 1609 recognized not a female bee.


18 Just a figurehead

19 Queen Royal Egg Layer

20 Queen Produces Pheromones Practical Take Away!
If you see a good retinue you probably have a good queen Practical Take Away! Well formed retinue suggests a well mated queen.

21 Worker Makes all the decisions Does all work Makes up 95-99%

22 Worker Tasks Nurse bees 1-10 days Intermediate 11-21 days
Foraging days Longevity

23 Foraging Water Propolis Pollen Nectar Practical Take Away!
Provide water close to your hives.

24 Foraging Propolis Antimicrobial-quiets immunity Self medicates
To upregulate immunity related genes is energetically costly. Bees have few detoxifing genes compared to other insects. Upregulation can cause impaired learning, and reduced longevity during times of stress….Social immunity more efficient. Propolis exhibited a greater capacity to detoxify mycotoxins.(Berenbaum)

25 Foraging Pollen Contains 10-30% crude protein
Essential for brood rearing Fidelity PA: Critically important …always monitor if pollen is coming in and it there are stores. Practical Take Away! Critically important, away monitor pollen coming in and their stores

26 Sex Determination

27 Queen Worker-Caste

28 Developmental times 6-Days 12-Days
Practical Take Away! Know developmental times so you can determine queen status 6-Days PA: Memorize worker developmental times…helps to determine if you are queen right. 12-Days

29 What the stages look like in the field
Show crowded colony and larvae so you know you are queen right.

30 Queen Replacement/Reproduction
Emergency Supersedure Swarming

31 Queen “There can only be one!”
(monogynous societies) Practical Take Away! If you wish to requeen you must first eliminate the existing queen

32 Emergency Queen Replacement

33 Supersedure Practical Take Away!
PA: If you see these cells in the middle of the frame AND you see the queen, you have supercedure. Practical Take Away! If you see cells in the middle and the queen it is likely supersedure.

34 Swarming reproduction
PA: If you have congestion and you see cells on the bottom you need to take emergency swarm control measures. Practical Take Away! If you have congestion in the spring with cells on the bottom you need to take emergency swarm control measures.

35 Communication Karl von Frisch Humans Some higher primates Honey bees?

36 Communication

37 Communication Odor Plume School
Talk about odor plume/communication debate Odor Plume School

38 Final Proof

39 Recommended
List of books, websites, etc.

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