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2 Peter Lesson 2.

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1 2 Peter Lesson 2

2 Review Purpose: To stir up by way of reminder
Remember: words spoken by prophets and commandment of Jesus by the apostles Theme: Remember God’s Word: grow in grace and knowledge Chp. 1 Be diligent to practice qualities Chp. 2 False teachers/prophets Chp. 3 Mockers/scoffers Be on guard/grow

3 2 Peter 1:1-2 Peter described as apostle/bond-servant
Recipients had received a saving faith: a faith just like that of Peter and the apostles Jesus Christ described as BOTH God/Savior Grace and Peace: multiplied in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord Grace: a favor done without expectation of return; lovingkindness of God to man

4 Grace and Peace multiplied
How does this change your life? Does it? Multiplied in the knowledge of God/Jesus Knowledge: epignosis – exact or full knowledge, discernment, recognition How does full or exact knowledge of God/Jesus affect your life? How does that bring grace and peace? Knowing, there IS a God and He is Sovereign

5 2 Peter 1:3-4 His divine power has granted everything to us pertaining to life and godliness Why would we want that? Salvation is the “life” part: eternally in heaven Godliness: Daily life in Christ, obedience to Him How do we get it? Through the TRUE knowledge of Him who called us (epignosis)

6 2 Peter 1:3-4 How did He call us? By His Own glory and excellence
Glory and excellence meaning what? Glory: correct estimate of who God is. Jesus did that by being the exact representation of God Excellence: arete – The superiority of God revealed in the work of salvation; it denotes in a moral sense what gives man his worth (God)

7 2 Peter 1:4 By His own glory and excellence He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises. Scripture/the Word/ Holy Bible just for us! Why? So by them (those precious and magnificent promises) we may become partakers of the divine nature What is the divine nature? When do we get it? Holy Spirit indwelling man at salvation

8 2 Peter 1:4-7 When did we escape the corruption that is in the world by lust? When we became partakers of the divine nature Now what? We apply all diligence in our faith to supply…….qualities Why? So you are not useless and unfruitful

9 Cross references John 8:31-36 Son makes you free/escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust John 1:12 Believing in His name means believing in all that He is Gal. 1:3-5 Jesus gave Himself for our sins. Through Him we have escaped the corruption John 17:14-17 We are not of this world and its corruption; we abide in His Word

10 Cross references Col. 1:27 Christ is IN us, the hope of glory
Gal. 2:20 His life is lived in us, not corruption I Pet. 1:3-5; God causes us to be born again to a living hope. His power protects us Eph. 4:20-24 Put on the new self/man Col. 3:9-11 Our new man is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of Jesus

11 2 Peter 1:5-7 “For this reason”
Because we have everything we need for life and godliness Because we have become partakers of the divine nature Because we have escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust What are we to apply to our faith? Qualities in verses 5-7 are to be supplied

12 2 Peter 1:5-7 We don’t add to our faith; we supply/supplement it with:
Moral excellence Knowledge (Gnosis: a seeking to know) Self-control Perseverance Godliness Brotherly kindness Love

13 contrasts Vs. 8-9 IF these qualities are increasing you will be useful and fruitful IF these qualities are lacking, you are blind, short-sighted, useless and unfruitful You have forgotten, instead of remembered, your purification from your former sins BEFORE you partook of the divine nature

14 Instructions Be diligent to make certain of His calling and choosing of you Practice these things so you will NEVER stumble As you supply these qualities, God will supply abundant entrance into His eternal kingdom These believers already knew and were established in this very truth/knowledge

15 2 peter 1:12-21 Why was Peter ready to die? He knew for sure, the Word
He didn’t follow tales/myths He was an eyewitness of Jesus’ majesty He Heard God’s utterance He knew no prophecy of Scripture/Word was a matter of man’s own interpretation He knew he was one of those “moved men”

16 knowledge (1922) epignosis: knowledge of a particular point. Knowledge gained through first-hand relationship; experiential knowing. Zod. It is more intense than gnosis because it expresses a more thorough participation in the acquiring of knowledge on the part of the learner; it is a knowledge laying claim to personal involvement. It enables one to avoid error. 2 Pet. 1:2, 3, 8; 2:20

17 knowledge (1921) epiginosko: to know exactly, to recognize, to know fully, as an inceptive verb, to come to know, to gain or receive full knowledge of, become fully acquainted with 2 Pet. 2:21 “For it would be better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn away from the holy commandment handed on to them.”

18 knowledge (4267) proginosko: to know beforehand, foreknow, to know previously….to grant prior acknowledgment or recognition to someone: This term is reserved for those matters which God favorably, deliberately and freely chose and ordained. (Zod.) 2 Pet. 3:17 “You therefore, beloved knowing this beforehand, be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of unprincipled men and fall from your own steadfastness.”

19 knowledge (1108) gnosis: Present & fragmentary knowledge as contrasted with epignosis – clear and exact knowledge which expresses a more thorough participation in the object or knowledge on the part of the knowledgeable subject. Gnosis is only as accurate as the relationship it derives from. “Knowledge of Christianity” “Gnosticism comes from this word” (a cult) 2 Pet. 1:6; 3:18

20 knowledge (50) agnoeo: to be ignorant, not to know, sometimes with the idea of willful ignorance 2 Pet. 2:12 (3609a) oida: to have seen or perceived, become learned, present intuitive knowledge 2 Pet. 1:12, 14; 2:9

21 knowledge (1107) gnorizo: to come to know, to make known, bring information; spoken of a teacher who unfolds divine things 2 Pet. 1:16 (1097) ginosko: to know in a beginning or completed sense. “It could be said that ginosko means to believe, for it is through faith that we come to love the Lord.” Stresses participation in the truth, not simply believing it. Indicates a closer relationship resulting from a fuller knowledge. 2 Pet. 1:20; 3:3

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