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Format Oral Perentation International conference on Web reashrch

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Presentation on theme: "Format Oral Perentation International conference on Web reashrch"— Presentation transcript:

1 Format Oral Perentation International conference on Web reashrch
Maryam Samei Maryam Samei International Conference on Web Reshearch University of Scinece and Culture 212 212 212 1

2 Notice: Please write full name of providing and submission code on the box on the right of first slide as example. Slide must be numbered. The first slide must be included title of your article, full name of authors and affiliatin. Use different size fonts for main points and secondary points - this font is 24-point, the main point font is 28-point, and the title font is 36-point Do not use less than 18-point font Use standard font “Times New Roman” 2

3 Title Text

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