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These MUST be followed while using tablets in ELA

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1 These MUST be followed while using tablets in ELA
Tablet Procedures These MUST be followed while using tablets in ELA

2 Food or Drink NO! Not allowed anywhere near the tablets!

3 WiFi While using the tablet, you are agreeing to Willis ISD’s code of internet conduct. As such, no unauthorized games, videos, or web surfing. Tablets are for instructional use ONLY. Failure to follow this will result in your loss of tablet privilege.

4 Google Classroom Assignments and announcements will be posted in a specified Google Classroom that you will have access to through a login. Your parents will have access as well.

5 You will be expected to check your for updates from me periodically. During weekends, if you have a question, is the best mode of communication.

6 Lastly You are in 6th grade. We are giving you a responsibility and I expect you to take it seriously. Technology can be fun...let’s use it!

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