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Pink Yellow red Blue Orange Turquoise Green

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2 Pink Yellow red Blue Orange Turquoise Green
 is calming. A person can work best when surrounded by this color. But too strong this color or too much of it can become depressing. We often feel cold in a room of this color and warm in a red room, yet we may not know that it is the color that makes us feel this way. can make us tired. Some institutions in the United States use this color to cool down angry prisoners and patients. is the color of communication. If you are shy, wear this color. It may help you relax and feel more sure of yourself. we are said, can help concentration and learning. Besides, bright surroundings in this color usually put us in a good mood and make us smile. is a calming color. It helps us feel relaxed and quiet. can stimulate appetite. Is it a coincidence that places like McDonald’s use mostly this color as well as red is exciting. It makes us feel happy. It increases our energy. It can also make us eat faster.

3 1 to be in the red a) to be in a dangerous situation b) to be bleeding c) to have a bank account which is overdrawn 2. to have green fingers a) to wear green gloves b) to be very good at gardening c) to be very interested in the environment 3. to feel blue a) to be fond of the colour blue b) to enjoy a beautiful blue sky c) to be sad or depressed 4 to be in the pink a) to be fit, healthy and happy b) to be wearing pink clothes c) to have an illness which makes you pink all over 5 to want everything in black and white a) to want information in a very clear written form b) to be a fan of old black- and-white films c) to buy only black or white clothes 6 to see life through rose-coloured glasses a) to wear glasses with pink lenses b) to see the world better than it really is c) to be colour-blind






9 Read the article and answer the questions

10 Use the information from the lesson and tell, what these colors are used in marketing for and give the examples of the brands Orange Yellow Green Grey Blue Purple

11 Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?

12 A room for a 14 year old boy/ a children’s room for 7 year old girl
Pretend you work as an interior designer, you boss asked you to make the project of the interior for a house where there are the following rooms: A large kitchen A dining room A room for a 14 year old boy/ a children’s room for 7 year old girl A working room Use all information you know about the colors and their effect on human and psychology and describe your project. P.S The house will be built in Alaska, where the weather is more often cold and snowy.

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