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Pre-bidders Conference May 1, 2019
Multi-Year Annual 2020 Request for Proposal Pre-bidders Conference May 1, 2019 Welcome and Introductions!! Bathrooms Presented By: Rebecca Hawks Financial Services Assistant
Welcome to the World of Abbreviations
AAA = Area Agency on Aging AASA = Aging and Adult Services Agency (formerly OSA) MDHHS = Michigan Department of Health and Human Services OSA = Office of Services to the Aging (now AASA) Operating standards can be found at the website below: A copy is also included in your packet. Why am I telling you this? There are various places throughout the Request For Proposal packet that may refer to these Agencies. which as you will see will bring up AASA – Aging and Adult Services Agency, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services site. Once on the site, click on Transmittal Letters & OSA Operating Standards. These standards, along with all the forms, will also be available on the NEMCSA website under the Area Agency on Aging.
Other Common Acronyms ADC = Adult Day Care AIP = Annual Implementation Plan CCC = Creating Confident Caregivers EAP = Elder Abuse Prevention EBDP = Evidence Based Disease Prevention MOB = A Matter of Balance MYP = Multi-Year Plan NFCSP = National Family Caregiver Support Program PATH = Personal Action Towards Health RFP = Request for Proposal TL = Transmittal Letter More abbreviations you may see throughout the presentation: Transmittal Letters are issued by the state office on aging and provide detail on changes or updates to standards that must be met. Explain MYP vs AIP
Packet Contents (Right side)
Request for Proposal – Homemaking, Personal Care, Respite, Congregate Meals, & Home Delivered Meals (all one packet) Request for Proposal Budget (7 pages total) Tentative Fiscal Year 2020 Allocations (NSIP-FY 20 estimated allocation funding based on FY 19 level) Request for Proposal – Legal Assistance (Utilize the Allocation sheet as mentioned above for tentative FY 20 funding.) Request for Proposal – Title VII Elder Abuse Prevention Request for Proposal – Merit Request for Proposal – Evidence Based Disease Prevention Request for Proposal – National Family Caregiver Support
Packet Contents (Left side)
Application Info AASA Operating Standards for Service Programs Measurable Objective Examples TL # EBDP Level III programs EBDP Leader List Kinship Guidelines **Goals for the MYP will be ed to all bidders when available.
Application Info Multi-year contract services and annual contract services EBDP Program must meet Level criteria (TL # ) Population served-60 and older except Kinship 55+ Submission of Proposals-Due June 3, 2019 (one original signed proposal and three copies) Scoring Criteria-Point system Multi-year Contract language Contract Negotiations Match Requirement – reported monthly Program income – Employee handling program income must be bonded. Timeframe for Multi Year is for FY 2020 – 2022.
Application Info cont. Financial Reporting Due Date-Monthly financial reports are due within five calendar days following the last day of the previous month. Bidders applying for nutrition funding must adhere to the general requirements for all service programs and the nutrition service programs and the specific service definitions. Appeals Procedure Ranking Criteria
Measurable Objective Examples
See Handout
Application-Core Programs
DUNS Number Tentative Allocation Sheets – for funding amounts Bid as bundle Letter of Support from County Board of Commissioners Budget- Separate Excel workbook, 7 pages total (fill out completely) Minimum Standards Assurance (1-for all core programs – be sure though to list all the core programs being bid on) Project Narrative (Questions 1-10) Facilities Data/Agency Data/Services Programs/Additional Resources
Application – Legal Assistance Tentative FY 20 Funding-$26,092
DUNS No. Program Narrative (Questions 1-10) Budget and Budget Narrative Facilities Data/Agency Data/Services Programs/Additional Resources Minimum Standards Assurance
Application – Elder Abuse Prevention Tentative FY 20 Funding - $6,385
DUNS Number Project Narrative – Question #2 Project Overview – provide specific information regarding project and ensure it meets the standard service definition (C-15) Budget and Budget Narrative Other Resources Minimum Standards Assurance
Application – Merit Award Tentative FY 20 Funding $117,323
Combined Funding of Merit I, Merit II, and State Caregiver Support Cost sharing schedule must be attached Explain for new audience Merit can be referred to as Tobacco Settlement. FY 16 at least two funding sources for ADC due to match requirement on SCS funds. Be sure to explain your program. E.g. start up needs--concrete evidence that the program is moving forward and will begin within FY. Recipients shall include individuals 18 years of age and older eligible for respite and/or adult day care services under this grant, per AASA Stds. Grantees shall develop and implement a mandatory cost sharing component for recipients with incomes above 150% of the federal poverty level. Program income generated through cost sharing shall be retained by the grantee and expended in support of the program. Respite-related transport of service recipients, incl related medical and shopping assistance, is an allowable cost under this award. Merit Award I - $64,658 Merit Award II $44,687 State Caregiver Support - $ 7,978
Application – EBDP Tentative FY 20 Funding - $24,000
All programs must meet Level III criteria Refer to TL If Other is chosen, # 12 in Project Narrative must be completed Expected # Attendees/Completers Leader contact listing
Application NFCSP Tentative FY 20 Funding by category
EST (Caregiver Education, Support, Training) $27,000 Health Resource Center will not be funded this year. Kinship $18,807 Respite Care $50,000 Creating Confident Caregivers $8,500 EBDP for Caregivers $8,500 – (example-Powerful Tools) Complete one Budget for each different category. Explain why HRC will not be funded this year.
Things to Review Double Check and Proofread –
have another set of eyes review the RFP prior to submission ensure all required documents are attached original and (3) copies are complete sign where appropriate check for typos/grammar Read the Standards to ensure the program is following guidelines Proposals are being read and scored—to ensure you receive the best possible score, follow these recommendations. Sliding fee schedule..Min stds assurance.
Thank you for attending today’s conference
Thank you for attending today’s conference. We appreciate your help in bringing services to the older adults in our communities.
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