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The third period: Activity & Chant

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1 The third period: Activity & Chant
Unit 5 A Circus in the park The third period: Activity & Chant (On page59) 港口镇中心小学英语科组

2 Try to retell the story. Tony, Jenny and Gogo are in the park.
They saw a ___________coming. The people in the Circus came _____ Beijing. Before that, they ____________ in many______ ________ . They _______ at ______________ last week. They ____ ____ _______there. They were in _________ last month. They ____ ____ _______ in a big circus park. The park was very __________. There______ many ______ _____ in the ________. circus from other places were were Xiangshan park zoo visited a had a show Canada beautiful were red leaves woods

3 Task 1: Skimming 略读 Did Ben like the travel(旅行) last month?
Yes, he did. Did Lisa like last summer? No, she didn’t.

4 Task 2: Scanning 寻读 yucky 1. Read Ben’s passage and finish the chart.
who when where weather activity food swam everyday spicy tasty Last month November Thailand Ben hot took lots of photos 2. Read Lisa’s passage and finish the chart. who when where food Last summer August in the hospital Lisa yucky

5 Task 3 Answer the questions (一)
It was spicy. It was hot. (二) She was in the hospital. It was yucky. It was bad.

6 The weather was cold in Guangzhou, but it was hot in Thailand.
Notes 笔记 上个月 十一月 每天 照了很多相片 泰国食物 在度假 没有一丝乐趣 一个糟糕的夏天 打网球 广州的天气很冷,但在泰国很热 。 去年的夏天,我每天游泳。 我也照了很多照片。 我的朋友们在度假,但我没有一丝乐趣。 last month November every day took many photos Thailand food be on vacation couldn’t have any fun a bad summer play tennis The weather was cold in Guangzhou, but it was hot in Thailand. I swan every day last summer. I took lots of photos, too. My friends were on vacation, but I couldn’t have any fun.

7 Notes 笔记 本课出现的动词原形及过去式: is----- like swim----- take----- are can’t----- play----- was liked swam took were couldn’t played

8 Think and fill in the form.
My Last ________ Summer when places activities weather food feelings visited relatives happy hot and sunny tasty last July in my hometown went swiming

9 Think and fill in the form.
My Last ________ when places activities weather food feelings

10 Group work: make a report.
My Last ________ when places activities weather food feelings I was at\in ______________ last ________. ___________________________________

11 Make a report Last Summer, I went back to my hometown.
It was July. The weather was sunny and hot. So I went swimming in the swimming pool. I also visited my relatives and my friends. We took many photos together. The food was tasty. I was really happy last summer.

12 Song activity

13 Homework 1. Write a composition about your last _______.
2. Recite the passage 1 on page 59.

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