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Presentation on theme: "OVERVIEW OF TRAINING METHODS Mr. D. Bortamuly"— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives of the session
To refresh the participants with the training methods To help the participants to understand the concept and applicability of the training methods

3 Training Training is a planned communication process
Bringing a desired changes in knowledge, skills, attitude, behaviour, etc In accordance with the job requirement and for better job performance

AIM / OBJECTIVES AUDIENCE MESSAGE / content COMM. TECHNIQUES & methods FACILITIES Duration Learning situation Speaker Speech Audience

5 TRAINING METHOD Training method is a means to structure and deliver content to keep participants involved with interest for attainment of training objectives

6 Training methods used to impart knowledge
Extension talk Lecture Films, video tapes, CDs General meetings Small group techniques

7 Training methods used to impart skill
Group assignments & Presentations Demonstrations Workshops Case method Role play Simulations & games

8 Training methods used to impart attitude
Study tours/ Field trip Role play Individual exercises Exhibitions Campaigns Farmer as master trainer

9 Training methods used to solve practical problem
Case method Group discussion Brain storming Exercises Simulations & games Related incident technique

10 EXTENSION TALK Presentation duly involving participants by stimulating and motivating them
WHEN TO USE : To convey information/facts ADVANTAGES : For larger groups LIMITATIONS : Depends on speaker skill

11 METHOD DEMONSTRATION / SKILL TEACHING How to do something is demonstrated step by steps involving triple process: seeing, hearing and doing WHEN TO USE : To develop practical ability/ skill for doing a entirely new things To do an old thing in a better way LIMITATIONS : Require more time, labour and resources

12 GROUP DISCUSSION Problem-solving by two or more people talking and thinking together in a group on a particular topic ADVANTAGES : participative, share information, participants know how to give due respect to other view LIMITATIONS : few persons may dominate the entire discussions

13 ROLE PLAY Learners play certain roles in an informal and realistic manner on certain situations
ADVANTAGES : Help to understand the behaviour of himself &others LIMITATIONS : Shyness of players

14 CASE STUDY A Written description of a hypothetical situation that is used for analysis and discussion ADVANTAGES : Develop problem solving & analytical skill LIMITATIONS : Time sharing, overlapping may arises

15 SENSITIVITY TRAINING How the individual and group behave is observed by giving a task to a group
ADVANTAGES : Better awareness of one’s own behaviour & group behaviour LIMITATIONS : Overacting

16 FIELD TRIPS ADVANTAGES : Provides first hand experience & observation LIMITATIONS : Time consuming, Corporation from field units may not achieved for all the time

17 SEMINAR To pool expertise of different aspects of a theme, and come out with conclusions and concrete recommendations. Advantages: helpful in pooling experiences from different experts Limitation : time consuming, overreacting may take place

18 SYMPOSIUM To have presentations on different sub-topics of a major topic and to document those as resource book/ reference.

19 WORKSHOP To learn specific skills by gaining practical knowledge and practicing under expert trainers

20 suitable to illiterates Costly, needs lot of preparation
EXHIBITION Systematic display of models, specimens, charts, photographs, Tran slides, pictures, posters, information etc. in sequence around a theme to create awareness and interest in the community ADVANTAGES Reach large audience, suitable to illiterates LIMITATIONS Costly, needs lot of preparation

21 EXERCISE A structured or planned group activity which stimulates the condition of a real life situation ADVANTAGES : To give opportunity to practice interpersonal and managerial skills Limitation: Time consuming

22 Normally competitive, usually related to task
GAMES Can be simple or very complex Normally competitive, usually related to task Not focus on who is winner or loser, but encourage a variety of thoughts and ideas and show how others may use them

23 SYNDICATE Group of people (8-10 in number) assigned with a task of investigating a particular problem to find out the solution ADVANTAGES : Indepth study by utilizing experience of the trainee

ADVANTAGES : Provide practical experience, expose to the actual job situation

25 FACTORS affecting the selection of the training methods

26 Subject matter/ content Cost – Time, facilities, manpower
FACTORS affecting the selection of the training methods Objectives of training Subject matter/ content Cost – Time, facilities, manpower Trainer’s exposure towards training methods & training aids

27 Educational attainment Characteristics of trainees Size of the group
FACTORS affecting the selection of the training methods Educational attainment Characteristics of trainees Size of the group Level of maturity Previous training learning styles of the participants

28 Thank You

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