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一 Bell Ringer Brainstorm with the class and think of one thing a President does in her/his job as President. When class begins, I will need to hear one.

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Presentation on theme: "一 Bell Ringer Brainstorm with the class and think of one thing a President does in her/his job as President. When class begins, I will need to hear one."— Presentation transcript:

1 一 Bell Ringer Brainstorm with the class and think of one thing a President does in her/his job as President. When class begins, I will need to hear one answer from each student (without any repeated guesses).

2 二 For the President, All In A Day’s Work
Pick up a packet from the back cart. Return to your seat quietly. I will read the instructions to you.

3 二 For the President, All In A Day’s Work
Pick up a packet from the back table. Return to your seat quietly. I will read the instructions to you.

4 三 Play by the Rules Please follow along as I read parts of the Constitution aloud. I will now ask you about some of the President’s responsibilities Please make a circle with your hands for true and an X with your hands for false.

5 三 Play by the Rules Defend and protect the Constitution Draft laws and pass them Commander in Chief of the armed forces

6 三 Play by the Rules Decide who wins court cases Execute laws that have been passed Tell Congress what laws it must pass

7 三 Play by the Rules Recommend laws for Congress to consider Ask for advice from department heads Make treaties without approval

8 三 Play by the Rules Nominate Supreme Court judges Nominate ambassadors Appoint a governor for each state

9 三 Play by the Rules Approve or reject laws that have been passed Pardon a politician who has been impeached

10 三 Play by the Rules Receive ambassadors from other countries Give a speech to Congress about the State of the Union

11 四 I’ve Got The Power Please complete page three without leaving your seat and without moving your desks. You are welcome to work with others, but do not move on to the last page by yourself. We will review the answers in six minutes. We will review the answers in five minutes. We will review the answers in four minutes. We will review the answers in three minutes. We will review the answers in two minutes. We will review the answers in one minute.

12 四 I’ve Got The Power 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
_D_ _I_ _J_ _B_ _C_ _A_ _H_ _E_ _F_ _G_ A B C D E F G H I J

13 五 So Many Laws, So Little Time!
Complete the last page of the packet as a class. Eight volunteers will stand up and read the sentences with the correct departments filled into the blanks. You will choose who the volunteers are. I will only speak if a wrong answer is offered. This page will be part of your next notes check. 五 So Many Laws, So Little Time!

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