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Exam Feedback.

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Presentation on theme: "Exam Feedback."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exam Feedback

2 Objectives Consider your performance against the rest of the year group Set a formative target for improvement Learn a new essay writing method Complete both exam essay questions using this model.

3 How well did you do? Both groups added together
Some people did massively better than target Some massively under performing

4 Why did I hit/ get more then/ get less than my target?
Level of understanding? Investing time to learn it? Knowing my terminology? Confidence in how to answer questions? Doing a lot of work outside class? Managing my time in the exam? Choosing questions carefully? Being enthusiastic about psychology? Not getting too stressed?

5 Write a target In your planner using this revelation and the comments on your work write a target to support your work in the rest of this unit.

6 Describe and evaluate two or more assumptions of the psychodynamic model of abnormality (18)
AO1 Describe 6 marks AO2 Evaluate 12 marks

7 AO1 A02 Assumption 1 Assumption 2 Evaluation 1 Evaluation 2
3 mins 3 mins 3 mins 3 mins 3 mins 3 mins

8 A02 AO1 AO1 A02 Assumption 1 Assumption 2 Evaluation 1 Evaluation 2
3 mins 3 mins 3 mins 3 mins 3 mins 3 mins

9 Blooms an alternative essay writing method

10 Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge

11 Use Blooms….. Construct your essay using the blooms skills.
Use different colour pens to show that you have used all the skills!

12 Mark Content Detail + accuracy Organisation + structure Breadth + Depth 6 Substantial Accurate, well detailed Coherent Substantial, balanced 5 Slightly Limited Accurate, reasonably detailed Both but imbalanced 4 Limited Generally accurate, reasonably detailed Reasonably constructed Increasing evidence of either 3 Basic Generally accurate, lacks detail Some evidence of either 2 Rudimentary Sometimes flawed Sometimes focussed No evidence 1 Just discernible Weak, muddled, inaccurate Irrelevant

13 Describe and evaluate two or more assumptions of the psychodynamic model of abnormality (18)
AO1 Describe 6 marks 2 x SEE AO2 Evaluate 12 marks 4 x SEE

14 Knowledge Where List Outline Name How Define State Who What Describe

15 One assumption of the psychodynamic model is….
Conflict between the id, ego, super ego Fixation in a psychosexual stage Over use of defence mechanisms

16 Comprehension Rephrase Explain Summarise Extend Define Relate
Interpret Demonstrate

17 Add some detail The id says…… One stage is the……
One defence mechanism is…

18 Apply Experiment Application Solve Select Example Model Use

19 Give an example For example the id may want chocolate….
For example people stuck in the oral stage may….. For example when you fail a test you may….

20 Now do another assumption…

21 Mark Evaluation Selection + elaboration Use of Material 11-12 Thorough Appropriate selection and coherent elaboration Highly effective 9-10 Slightly Limited Appropriate selection and elaboration Effective 7-8 Limited Reasonable Elaboration Reasonably effective 5-6 Basic Some evidence of elaboration Restricted 3-4 Superficial and rudimentary No evidence of elaboration Not effective 1-2 Muddled and incomplete Mainly irrelevant

22 Analysis Analyse Discuss Categorise Relationship Assumption Classify
Approach Compare Contrast

23 State a standard criticsm
One problem with this is that it is reductionist… This is very deterministic…. This ignores individual differences….

24 Synthesis Construct Create Put together Elaborate Design Adapt Develop
Improve Propose

25 Explain what this means
because it reduces behaviour down to one factor in this case… because it suggests that behaviour has a root cause and we do not have free will to choose our behaviour. In this case behaviour is determined by …. therefore it is not reliable because you will get different behaviours depending upon the type of person you test…

26 Evaluation Conclude Evaluate Dispute Reliability Criticise Validity
Justify Influence Support Assess

27 Use an example to illustrate the problem
This is a problem because other factors such as…have been shown to be involved.. However there is evidence that other factors such as…may also be involved.. For example some people will think…. instead and in some ways this can be just as abnormal because…

28 Now do another criticism on this assumption…
Now do another criticism on this assumption…. And then two on your second assumption….

29 Homework Describe and evaluate the failure to function adequately and deviation from ideal mental health definitions of abnormality (18)

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