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By: Catherine Nyambala: Chief Engineer, Quality @I.Am.Auma #PawaWorld

2 Contents 1 2 3 4 5 The Opportunity Challenges The Solution
The Proposal 4 Investment and Benefits 5

3 Pop Quiz 1 2 3 4 5 Strathmore Solar PV Capacity
RBS Pension Plaza II Generator Capacity 2 Energy generated or sold year FY 2016/ 2017 3 Drilling Generators in KenGen 4 Average monthly energy consumption in Kenya 5

4 The Opportunity 1: High Capacity Battery Energy Storage System
Q5 208kWh 10kWh for home Disruptive technology High capacity batteries Storage capabilities Scale this + mount in an array = “infinite storage capability”.  210kWh for commercial  

5 3,150 kWh Powerpack system Singita Lodge in Kruger national park
The Opportunity 1: High Capacity Battery Energy Storage System Applications 3,150 kWh Powerpack system Singita Lodge in Kruger national park  20 MW/80MWh battery system: Edison, Southern California, can power 2,500 households a day. 54MWh Powerpack batteries,13MW solar generation, solar panels: Hawaiian island powered 

6 The Opportunity 2: As battery technology improves, the cost of the same is decreasing
Lithium Ion technology is lighter, has got higher energy density, increased cycle life, lower self-discharge and lower maintenance. $1,000/kWh to $230/kWh between 2010 & 2016. 

7 The Opportunity 3: Potential Uses of BESS
Backup power to grid power failure Cut peak-demand charges. Peak capacity to the grid. Provide frequency regulation Off grid solution in combination with renewable sources This paper focuses on battery energy storage systems as backup to grid failure or as an off grid solution in combination with a renewable source.  

8 The Opportunity 3: Importation of Generators in in Kenya
Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Generators 961 1,011 1,223 1,311 1,705 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1,270 1,500 1,777 2,052 1,413 Source: Kenya Revenue Authority Customs 2017

9 The Opportunity 3: Capacities of Generators in Kenya
Q2:345KVA Generator Capacities KVA 2017 % 2016 1 815 58% 1219 59% 2 416 29% 621 30% 3 160 11% 193 9% 4 21 1% 17 5 >2000 0% Total 1413 2052 Source: Kenya Revenue Authority Customs 2017

10 The Opportunity 4 Power Interruption. Need for backup

11 Q1 650KW The Challenge1 Inability to store or sell excess energy from off grid installations

12 The Challenge 2 Disadvantages of Diesel Generators
Heavy and large body parts Smoke Sound High maintenance costs, cost of fuel and logistical cost of refueling. In lodges backup generators pollute the environment and disturb peace. The Challenge 2 Disadvantages of Diesel Generators

13 battery energy storage system solution provider
The Proposal 1 battery energy storage system solution provider put in place solutions that aim to replace backup generators in schools, hospitals, malls, Apartments, universities, hotels and others

14 for off grid areas including lodges, islands, remote villages,
The Proposal 2 develop solutions of high capacity battery storage accompanied by solar generation for off grid areas including lodges, islands, remote villages, refugee camps and other similar areas.

15 Generator Data kW Equivalent and Purchase Price
% kW Equivalent Purchase Price Millions KVA 58 6 -64kW 0.65 KVA 30 kW 2 KVA 10 kW 4 KVA 639-1,700KVA 7

16 Backup Generator Considerations: Annual Maintenance and Running Cost
Capacity KVA % Maintenance cost in kshs ’000 Fuel cost in kshs ’000 Total kshs ’000 1 7.5 – 75 58 80 240 320 2 76 – 375 30 110 1,315 1,425 3 376 – 750 10 180 3,286 3,466 4 >751 590 5,844 8,621 Assumptions 1 litre of fuel = 10kWh Run hrs = 50 hrs Cost of fuel = kshs 109 Median kW = 35, 192, 479, 1169 respectively This includes the following costs Fuel filters Oil Filters Air filters Oil Coolant Use of Workshop Spares where needed and Labour

17 Proposed Battery Energy Storage System
It is practical to replace the 24 hour generators of 7.5 to 75 KVA with a Battery Energy Storage System of the following or close specifications and cost. 50kW, 200kWh, 4 hour, 50kWPeak Power, 2 $94,000, 1 Bidirectional 250kW $65,000, Cabling and site support $ 3,000: Total $ 162,000. Payback Period 7 years

18 24 Hour Generator Considerations Annual Maintenance Cost
Annual Running and Maintenance Cost Capacity KVA % Maintenance cost in Kshs millions Fuel Kshs millions Total Kshs millions 1 7.5 – 75 58 0.7 1.6 2.3 2 76 – 375 30 8.9 10.5 3 376 – 750 10 2.5 22.3 24.8 4 >751 4.8 54.1 58.9 Assumptions 1 litre of fuel = 10kWh Run hrs = 50 hrs Cost of fuel kshs 109 Median kW= 35, 192, 479, 1169 respectively

19 Proposed Battery Energy Storage System Specifications (to be accompanied by Solar PV in off grid areas Storage Systems of the following or close specifications and cost to be combined in array 50kW 100kWh, 4 hour, 50kW Peak Power, 2 Powerpack version 1.5 Cost $ 72,000. Payback period:7 years

20 Proposed Alternative Power Source Solar Solution Costs
Q3: 7600 GWh Capacity KVA kW Cost in millions Kshs 1 7.5 – 75 35 21 2 76 – 375 192 115 3 376 – 750 479 287 4 >751 1,162 701

21 Investment and Return: 8 Installations Only 2 of Each
Consider investing in 8 projects: 4 generator back up replacements and 4 24 hour generator replacements BACKUP GENERATOR REPLACEMENT SOLUTION 7.5KVA -75KVA 76KVA -375KVA Cost of ESS 16,200,000 64,800,000 50 kW 200kWh 1 Kshs 81,000,000  24 HOUR GENERATOR 50kW, 100kWh 7,200,000 36,000,000 Solar Solution 16,000,000 80,000,000 23,200,000 116,000,000 139,200,000    220,200,000 Profit (20%) 44,010,000 Investment in skills and tools 25,000000 Q4: 4 Generators rated 600V, 1.7 MVA, 0.7 pf 2. One (1) Auxiliary Generator; 415 V, 625 kVA, 0.8 pf

22 Cost Benefit Back Up Generator Solution Profit 7.5 -75 KVA 3.2
Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Generators 961 1,011 1,223 1,311 1,705 1,270 1,500 1,777 2,052 1,413 Back Up Generator Solution Profit KVA 3.2 KVA 13 24 Hour Generator Profit KVA 4.6 KVA Total Profit for 1 installation each 44 12 per year such installations -= 500 million profit Benefit Brand Equity



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