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Geometrical Construction of Supertwistor Theory

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1 Geometrical Construction of Supertwistor Theory
Shikoku-Seminar Developments of Q.F.T. & String Theory Jul.28 - Aug Kazuki Hasebe Takuma National College of Technology arXiv:

2 Introduction: Twistor Program
Roger Penrose (1967) Space-time is taken to be a secondary construction from the more primitive twistor notions. From ``The Road to Reality’’ Space-Time Event Twistor Space Incidence Relation

3 Incidence Relation Non-local transformation 4D Minkowski-space
Twistor-space Light (Null-line) Projective complex-line Non-local transformation

4 Massless particle and Twistor
Free particle Massless particle Helicity Pauli-Lubanski spin-vector

5 Hopf Map: Template of Twistor
Heinz Hopf (1931) Topological map from sphere to sphere in different dimensions. 1st Hopf map 2nd Hopf map 3rd Hopf map

6 1st Hopf Map 1st Hopf Map Hopf spinor Incidence Relation

7 2nd Hopf Map 2nd Hopf map 2nd Hopf spinor S.C. Zhang & J.P. Hu (2001)

8 Direct Relation to Twistor
Incidence Relation Constraint is Hermitian (space-time is real) Null Twistor Helicity zero

9 Idea of Supertwistor Incidence relation A. Ferber (1978) Super-twistor
Complexified space-time Fermion coordinates Incidence relation Non-Hermitian Super-twistor Complex space-time is postulated. Fermion number can be even or odd integer.

10 The SUSY Hopf Map The SUSY Hopf map C. Bartocci, U. Bruzzo, G. Landi

11 Supertwistor Variables
Super Incidence Relation Not-complexified : Super-Hermitian Supertwistor variables Even number :null-supertwistor

12 Super Incidence Relation
Minkowski-superspace Supertwistor-space Non-local super-transformation

13 Supertwistor action and Quantization
Helicity should be even integer. Twistor function wave-function for mass-less particle

14 Relation to Lowest Landau Level
Dirac monopole U(1) connection One-particle action LLL-limit

15 Analogies between Twistor and LLL
Massless Condition Enhanced Symmetry More Fundamental Quantity than Space-Time Holomorphicity, Incidence Relations Complex conjugation = Derivative Noncommutative Geometry

16 Conclusion Geometrical construction of the supertwistor
based on the SUSY Hopf map. Properties of this construction 1. Space-time is not complexified. 2. Even number of fermionic components of twistor is automatically incorporated. Close Analogy between LLL physics and Twistor Does it suggest something deeper??

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