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Nucleic acid Seyed Ruhollah Derakhshan 1 Dr. Amininasab.

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Presentation on theme: "Nucleic acid Seyed Ruhollah Derakhshan 1 Dr. Amininasab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nucleic acid Seyed Ruhollah Derakhshan 1 Dr. Amininasab

2 contents  Nucleic acid structure  Nucleic acid synthesis 2

3 Nucleic acids are the biopolymers, or small biomolecules, essential to all known forms of life. The term nucleic acid is the overall name for DNA and RNA composed Nucleic acid structure Monomer nucleotide  A nucleoside is a nitrogenous base and a 5-carbon sugar Thus a nucleoside plus a phosphate group yields a nucleotide 3

4 RNA (ribonucleic acid) DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) Nucleic acid structure  Types of Nucleic Acids 4

5 Nucleic acid structure  Nucleobase 5

6 Nucleic acid structure 6

7 Nucleotides can be synthesized by a variety of means both in vitro and in vivo. In vitro In vivo Nucleic acid synthesis Solid_phase nucleotides can be synthesized de novo or recycled through salvage pathways. liver is the major organ 7

8 Nucleic acid synthesis  In vitro synthesis 8

9 9

10 Protecting groups 10 DMT Phosphora midite Guanine Isobutyryl chloride Adeni ne

11 Nucleic acid synthesis  Pyrimidine ribonucleotide synthesis 11

12 Nucleic acid synthesis  Purine ribonucleotide synthesis 12

13 13

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